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NPs and Prescribing Controlled Substances

The Ontario government has approved regulations enabling NPs to prescribe controlled substances.

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in Ontario can prescribe controlled substances, if they have completed approved controlled substances education.

The education covers competencies related to safe, effective and ethical prescribing, and managing clients who are treated with controlled substances.

NPs, also known as Registered Nurses in the extended class, are registered nurses who have met additional education, experience and exam requirements set by the College. They are authorized to diagnose, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and prescribe medication and other treatment. 


Q&As: General
Q&As: Regulations and by-law changes
Q&As: Controlled substances education requirement
Controlled substances - Resources and References
Approved controlled substances education for Nurse Practitioners 

Additional Resources:
Page last reviewed January 09, 2018