Vol 25, No 2 (2009)

Table of Contents


Editorial Vol 25(2) PDF
Michael T. Caley, Swarnalatha Rangarajan, Swarnalatha Rangarajan 1-12


Karmic Ecology: Lessons from the Jain Dharma PDF PDF () PDF
Aidan Rankin 13-17
Dharma in the Mahabharata as a response to Ecological Crises: A speculation PDF () PDF
Kamesh Ramakrishna Aiyer 18-40
Religious Beliefs, Indigenous Communities and Environmental Preservation in Western Tamil Nadu, South India. PDF () PDF
kanagaraj pitchaivelu 41-72
INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION: Some Conceptual Issues in the Contexts of Indian Discourses Untitled () PDF
Murali Sivaramakrishnan 73-82


Kolam: The Art of Remembering PDF
Pushpa Naidu Parekh 83-89

Special Report

Gandhi's Ecological Kernel - A Vision Of Life PDF
Kalpana RJ 90-102

Humans, Nature & Technology

Unifying Reason and Emotion: A Method to Realize The Ecological Self PDF
Sachchidanand Mishra 103-119

World-Views and Cross-Cultural Perspectives

The Faceless goddess PDF
Florence Rose Shepard 120-142

Deep Ecology and Ecophilosophy

The World-affirming Vision of Non-duality:Vaiṣṇava Vedānta Contribution to Deep Ecology PDF
Kiyokazu Okita 143-176

EcoPsychology Online Athabasca University Athabasca University