WILU 2011 – Proposal Submission via Email
If, for whatever reason, you are unable to utilize the PDF form for your proposal submission please feel free to send a submission by email. Your email must include the following:
- Presenter’s Name
- Title
- Institution
- City, Province/State, Country
- Email address
- Phone number(s)
You may add 2nd or 3rd Presenter information as per above.
Also include the following session information:
1. Session Title
2. Type of Session:
- Session Presentation – 45-minute sessions preferably grounded in formal research or applied practice, that include a 35-minute presentation and 10-minute discussion or question period.
- Lightning Strike Session (with a Display Poster) – 5-minute “quick hit” presentations on any topic related to information literacy or library instruction. A poster must accompany the presentation to create a “lightning strike display”.
- Hands-on Tools – 45-minute or 90-minute computer lab sessions where various online or electronic tools can be demonstrated for participants.
3. Session Tags:
- provide us with 3 or more keywords to describe the nature / theme of your session; we will use this info. in order to assist delegates with session selection.
4. Session Abstract (please limit to 250 words)
5. Learning Outcomes: “By the end of the session, participants will…”
Submit by email to WILU2011@uregina.ca
If your proposal is accepted, presenters will be automatically pre-registered for WILU 2011. All presenters are responsible for paying their own registration, travel and lodging expenses.