Higher Education Perspectives, Vol 1, No 2 (2005)

The Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000 and the Development of Private Universities and Private Post-secondary Degrees in Ontario

Geoffrey E. Cudmore


When the Government of Ontario passed the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act 2000, to provide governance to all degree-granting institutions in the Province, it had as its stated purpose, the goal of increasing the choice for Ontarians who want to earn a degree. This paper examines the background to the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act 2000, explores some of the views and opinions regarding the passing of Act, and provides a more in-depth view of what has happened with regard to the expansion of degree-granting privileges to private non-profit and private for-profit institutions in Ontario, in the four years since the passing of the Act through the observations of the presidents of three different kinds of private institutions involved in the process (Redeemer University College, The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and RCC College of Technology).

Le gouvernement de l�Ontario a pass� la Loi de 2000 favorisant le choix et l�excellence au niveau postsecondaire dans le but d�offrir un plus grand choix aux �tudiants de l�Ontario d�sireux d�obtenir un dipl�me. Cet article examine le contexte entourant la cr�ation de cette loi qui r�git tous les �tablissements d�enseignement de la province conf�rant des dipl�mes. Il consid�re ensuite certains points de vue et opinions exprim�s concernant sa promulgation et �tudie en d�tail, � partir des observations des recteurs de trois �tablissements priv�s d�enseignement engag�s dans le processus (le Coll�ge universitaire Redeemer, le Coll�ge canadien de m�decine naturopathique et le Coll�ge de technologie RCC), l�effet qu�a eu cette loi, au cours des quatre derni�res ann�es, sur l��tendue des pouvoirs de conf�rer des dipl�mes accord�s aux �tablissements d�enseignement priv�s de l�Ontario � but ou sans but lucratif.

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