We have approved the carriers listed below under our Customs Self Assessment CSA Program. The listed carriers are those who have agreed to have their company name posted on our Web site. Therefore, this list may not include all CSA-approved carriers.
For carriers who have given us their Web site address, we have provided a link to the site.
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Carriers | Phone |
1133305 Ontario Inc. dba FGM Truck Lines | 905-857-4555 |
1167554 Ontario Inc. o/a Oxford Enterprises | 519-485-1345 |
1218770 Ontario Inc. dba Fyke Trading Company | 905-871-6607 |
1252537 Ontario Limited dba TBN Transport | 905-670-3353 |
1266192 Ontario Ltd. dba Onfreight Logistics | 519-727-4578 |
1266604 Ontario Inc. dba Terry Vogler Trucking | 519-692-3871 |
1391266 Ontario Limited dba Doug Kitowski Trucking | 807-274-5000 |
1411337 Ontario Inc. dba Doyle Transportation | 519-827-0431 |
1507953 Ontario Inc. o/a Grant Transport | 800-668-4481 |
1541335 Ontario Inc.o/a Road Link Xpress | 800-353-8658 514 685-1535 |
3153941 Canada Inc. dba Transport Lily | 418-862-2629 |
3495965 Canada Inc. dba LJH Transport | 450-243-6490 |
3909973 Manitoba Inc. o/a Professional Freight Management | 204-694-6114 |
621189 Ontario Inc. o/a Larway Transportation | 705-739-1551 |
715276 Ontario Inc. o/a Floyd Gibbons Trucking | 800-526-7418 |
Carriers | Phone |
A & R Transport Inc. | 800-542-8058 |
A.D. Transport Express Inc. | 800-832-0350 |
A.P. Giesbrecht Trucking Inc. | 204-324-9000 |
ABF Freight System, Inc. | 479-494-8141 |
AC Transport | 416-410-2211 |
Access Transportation Ltd. | 204-654-1347 |
Ace Forwarding Inc | 800-971-0070 |
Ace-Way Freight Systems 2003 Inc. | 905-227-6566 |
ACS Logistics Transportation Inc. | 905-845-7023 |
Adco Logistics | 905-564-8784 |
Aftim Transport Ltd. | 519-250-3708 |
Agri-Tel Transportation Inc. | 204-268-4828 |
AK Expedite Ltd. | 888-580-0273 604-580-0273 |
Alain Piché Transport Inc. | 819-758-1071 |
Alco Transportation Inc. | 734-722-9500 |
Allen Freight Services Inc. | 888-576-4223 |
Allied Systems (Canada) Company | 905-637-6666 |
Allied Systems, Ltd. (L.P.) | 404-371-0379 800-476-2058 |
Alloy Transportation Services Inc. | 416-798-7737 |
All-State Express Inc. | 336-992-6880 |
Altanic Transporation | 519-740-8448 |
Am-Can Transport Service, Inc. | 800-845-9722 |
Amco Express Inc. | 519-326-9095 |
American Transfer Corporation | 866-660-2687 |
Ameri-Line, Inc. | 440-236-3233 |
Anchor Bay Express LLC | 586-598-5858 |
Apache Freight Lines Limited | 905-640-5222 |
Apache Inc. | 519-623-1141 |
ARG Trucking Corporation | 315-789-8871 |
ARL Inc. | 412-264-6996 |
Armour Transport Inc. | 506-857-0205 |
Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. | 204-257-6666 |
Arnone Transport limited | 800-377-3397 807-344-7772 |
ASAP Express Inc. | 734-946-2052 |
ASR Transportation | 905-625-9054 866-999-9054 |
Associate Intermodal Management Corp. | 416-251-5556 |
Atlantic Pacific Transport Ltd. | 800-565-2226 |
Atlantis Transportation Services Inc. | 905-672-5171 |
Autobahn Freight Lines Ltd | 877-898-9994 |
Averitt Express Inc. | 800-283-7488 |
Ayr Motor Express Inc. | 506-325-2205 |
Carriers | Phone |
B&W Cartage Company Inc. | 800-325-7884 313-299-2164 |
B.N. Dulay's Trux Ltd. | 604-273-5333 |
B.T.T. Express Inc. | 800-246-5453 613-384-2243 |
Bakke's Trucking Ltd. | 705-474-3368 |
BDR International Ltd | 519-688-3430 |
Bell City Transport Systems Inc. | 519-756-5266 |
Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited | 450-971-6500 |
Benson Tank Lines | 800-665-8060 |
Berry & Smith Trucking Ltd. | 800-663-2339 |
Bert Baxter Transport Ltd | 306-634-3616 |
Bestway Systems Inc. | 800-748-0429 |
Bestway Transport | 506-328-0008 |
Big Freight Systems Inc. | 800-665-0415 |
Bill Thompson Transport Inc. | 888-LOADFTI 888-562-3284 |
Bison Transport Inc. | 204-833-0000 |
Blackhorse Transportation Ltd | 780-960-0490 |
Black's Transfer Ltd. | 506-634-7210 |
BLM Group Inc., The | 519-748-9880 |
Blue Line Distribution Ltd. | 905-875-4630 |
Bolt Express, LLC | 419-865-1229 |
Bowling Green Freight, Inc. | 270-542-7137 |
Brasseur Transport Inc. | 450-444-7079 |
Brennan Farms Ltd. | 506-375-8602 |
Brian Bick Transportation | 905-304-8808 |
Brian Kurtz Trucking Ltd. | 519-836-5821 |
Brian Pite Freight | 519-336-9854 |
Brico Transportation Services Ltd. | 800-563-0058 |
Bridge Carriers Inc. | 888-374-4449 |
Bridgeland Terminals Limited | 519-669-1588 |
Bronco Transportation Systems Inc. | 604-888-8777 |
Brookville Carriers Flatbed GP | 800-565-7554 |
Bruce R. Smith Ltd. | 519-426-0904 x231 |
BTC Express Inc. | 519-754-0100 |
Budford Shaw Trucking Inc. | 506-773-9751 |
Buske Lines Inc. | 519-969-7990 x11 877-520-8514 x11 |
Butterworth's Industries Inc. | 604-574-3737 |
Carriers | Phone |
C.J.L.M. International Ltee | 800-463-2306 450-464-2212 |
C.T. Transport LP | 905-494-1255 |
Cain Express | 905-335-1065 800-263-6279 |
Cambria Transport Ltd | 613-632-9119 |
Campbell Freight Inc. | 519-913-0339 |
Canada Cartage Systems Ltd. | 416-259-5454 |
Canadian American Transportation C.A.T. Inc. | 450-763-6363 |
Canadian Freightways | 403-287-1090 |
Canadian National Railway | 204-934-8332 |
Canadian Pacific Railway Co. | 204-947-8281 |
Can-Am West Carriers Inc. | 604-857-1375 866-857-1375 |
Caneda Transport Inc. | 403-236-7900 |
Cansea Transport Inc. | 604-251-9555 |
Can-Truck Inc. | 800-361-7940 |
Caravan Logistics Inc. | 905-338-5885 |
Carbra Trans Inc. | 519-291-6009 |
Carey Leasing Ltd. | 519-676-0868 |
Carmen Cartage | 416-667-9700 |
Carry Transit | 630-573-2555 |
Cart-All Express Inc. | 905-840-4298 |
Carter Express, Inc. | 800-738-7705 |
Cassens Transport Company | 618-656-3006 |
Cassidy's Transfer & Storage Ltd. | 613-735-6881 |
Catsons Transport Ltd. | 416-247-1762 |
CC Canada Ltd. | 888-875-0712 |
CCT Auto-Trans Inc. | 905-263-2307 |
CDI International Inc. | 866-922-9221 |
Celadon Canada | 800-265-6467 |
Celadon Trucking Services, Inc. | 317-972-7000 |
Cement Distributors, Inc. | 888-234-0732 |
Certified Delivery Service, Inc. | 734-946-8700 |
Ceva Logistics Canada, ULC | 904-928-1400 |
Chagnon Josaphat | 888-567-2742 |
Challenger Motor Freight Inc. | 519-658-5154 |
Chantler Transport Inc. | 705-721-5883 |
Chapple Fuels Limited | 519-351-7194 |
Choctaw Express Inc. | 800-246-2829 |
Churchill Transportation Inc. | 800-333-5555 |
Cimarron Express, Inc. | 419-855-7713 |
Clarke Inc. d/b/a Clarke Road Transport | 902-450-2550 |
Click Express | 604-415-2100 |
Client Transport Inc | 800-387-8544 519-220-0942 |
Cobra Trucking Ltd. | 250-746-4597 |
Cole Carriers Corporation | 888-836-2653 |
Colin Dobbin Farms Ltd. | 519-882-9015 |
Commercial Freight Services Inc. | 734-326-9140 |
Commercial Transport (Northern) Limited | 705-692-4727 |
Compass Rose Internation Transportation | 613-531-8928 |
Concord Transportation Inc. | 800-387-4292 |
Congil Truck Lines Ltd. | 519-652-5477 |
Connors Transfer Limited | 902-752-1142 |
Con-Way NOW | 734-669-8081 |
Con-Way Truckload | 417-623-5229 |
Cooney's Farm Services Ltd. | 800-667-8925 403-652-1066 |
Cordell Transportation Company LLC | 937-277-7271 |
County Line Trucking Ltd. | 866-734-4499 |
Creekbank Transport | 877-572-4585 |
Crossline Carriers Inc. | 800-661-9450 |
CRS Express Inc. | 418-227-7379 |
CSA Transportation | 416-754-0999 |
CTX Inc. | 800-447-5173 877-863-5456 |
Culberson Trucking Ltd. | 506-328-4366 |
Cunningham Trucking Inc | 519-925-9514 |
Custom Carrier Service | 519-791-1955 |
Custom Dedicated Services, Inc. | 866-287-8494 |
Custom Transport Ltd. | 800-665-1701 |
Carriers | Phone |
D & N Truck Lines Ltd. | 506-622-4232 |
D & W Forwarders Inc. | 905-459-3560 |
D&W Forwarders Inc. | 905-459-3560 |
D.DesRoche Trucking Inc. | 905-633-8119 |
D.J. Knoll Transport Ltd. | 306-789-4824 |
D.J. Pestell Transport Ltd. | 800-551-4058 519-662-2455 |
D.R. Insell Transport Inc. | 519-457-8282 |
Danfreight Systems Inc. | 800-730-6190 450-755-6190 |
Darcol International Inc. | 204-989-5050 |
Davey Cartage Co. 1973 Ltd. | 604-580-9877 |
Davis Cartage Co. | 989-743-4445 |
Day & Ross Inc. | 506-375-4401 |
Decker Transport, Inc. | 479-361-9111 |
Deluxe Freight Services Ltd. | 888-509-0002 |
Denali Logistics Corp. | 905-846-7435 |
Dennis Fortier Transport Inc. | 613-938-7138 |
DHL Express (Canada) Ltd. | 905-452-8980 |
Dick Irvin, Inc. | 406-434-5583 |
Distribution Marcel Dion Inc. | 450-293-3909 |
Distribution Technologies Inc. | 440-338-1010 800-321-3143 |
Disttech Inc. | 440-338-1010 800-321-3143 |
Diverse Transportation | 866-779-7015 |
DJS Trucking Express, Inc. | 906-647-3011 |
DM Krenkevich Inc. | 800-343-9343 204-837-9689 |
DMR Truck Inc. | 800-387-4544 |
DMX Express Transportation Inc. | 616-681-2700 |
Don Anderson Haulage Limited | 416-798-7737 |
Don Needham Trucking | 403-625-2949 |
Donnelly Farms Ltd. | 506-375-4564 |
Don's Triple F Transport Inc. | 450-562-7256 |
Dontrans Inc. | 519-979-9777 800-265-6929 |
Doug Coleman Trucking Ltd. | 519-451-4349 |
Dove Creek Motor Express | 519-776-9991 |
Drive Logistics | 866-909-0903 |
Duguay Haulage | 905-356-3672 |
Dynamex Canada Corp | 800-461-9458 |
Dysart's Transportation Inc. | 800-333-4878 207-947-8647 |
Carriers | Phone |
E.G. Gray Transportation Ltd. | 705-745-2262 800-461-6416 |
E.L Hollingsworth and Company | 810-233-7331 |
E.T.A. Services, Inc. | 734-941-2020 |
Earl Hardy Trucking Incorporated | 519-539-4800 |
Earl Paddock Transportation Inc. | 905-643-9511 |
Eassons Transport Ltd. | 902-538-8045 |
East Can Transport Services Ltd. | 800-461-1991 |
Ed Wiersma Trucking Inc. | 519-745-5781 |
Edge Transportation Services Ltd. | 306-975-9390 306-242-0442 |
Elgin Motor Freight Inc. | 519-644-9090 |
Elke Bros. Transport Ltd. | 604-888-0135 |
Empire Transportation Ltd | 905-9459654 |
Epic Express | 905-238-5477 x210 |
ERB International Inc. | 519-662-2710 800-265-2182 |
Essen Transport Ltd. | 204-325-5200 |
Evans Delivery Company Inc. | 734-281-0029 |
Everest Transportation Inc. | 905-293-9817 |
Expedite Plus Inc. | 905-875-0023 |
Expedited Delivery Service Inc. | 800-441-4978 |
Express-1 Inc. | 269-695-2700 |
Carriers | Phone |
F.F. Express | 905-648-9300 |
Factory & Steel Transportation, Inc. | 800-444-4120 |
Fair Excavating Company Ltd. dba Fairrway inc. | 905-648-1502 |
Falcon Motor Xpress Ltd. | 866-383-9100 905-673-6415 |
Falcon Transfer Ltd. | 506-375-6119 |
Falcon Transport Company | 800-935-4436 |
Fed Ex Supply Chain Services | 800-227-8266 |
Federal Express Canada Ltd. | 905-212-5000 |
FedEx Custom Critical | 800-762-3787 |
Fidèle Tremblay Inc. | 418-739-4817 |
Fillmore Trucking Inc. | 800-785-4403 |
First Class Expediting Services | 248-844-1944 |
Flash Freight Systems | 519-821-8878 |
Fleetway Transport Inc. | 519-753-5223 |
Flex-Mor Industries Ltd. | 800-461-3676 |
FLS Transport Inc. | 800-739-0939 |
Flying Eagle Transport Ltd. | 204-388-5556 888-388-5556 |
Forbes Hewlett Transort Inc. | 905-455-2211 |
Ford Transportation Services Ltd. | 519-257-4536 |
Foreway Transportation Inc. | 616-997-9771 800-234-4929 |
Four Star Transportation Co. | 313-386-0100 |
Fourteenth Avenue Cartage Company Inc. | 313-945-9522 |
Fraser Valley Transport Ltd. | 604-826-2614 |
Frederick Transport | 888-LOADFTI 888-562-3284 |
Freeport Transport Industries Inc. | 800-552-1954 |
Fullone Trucking, Inc. | 716-337-2645 |
Fundy Bay Seafood | 506-659-2890 |
Carriers | Phone |
G.K. Morse Trucking Ltd. | 902-678-3902 |
G.M. Jones Transport Inc. | 705-953-9630 |
Ganeca Transport Inc. | 800-561-7444 |
Garry Mercer Trucking Inc. | 905-670-4721 |
Gary Heer Transport Ltd. | 403-287-2222 |
Gateway Expediting Inc. | 800-342-0783 |
General Freight Carriers Inc. | 506-648-0499 |
Genesis Express and Logistics Inc. | 519-250-4155 |
Georbon Transportation Services Inc. | 905-857-6981 |
George Lepy Trucking Inc. | 519-966-0835 |
Georgian Bay Transport Inc. | 705-549-5011 |
Gibson Transport | 800-461-4374 |
Glen Tay Transportation | 800-450-9483 |
Glenko Enterprises (1994) Ltd. | 204-376-2340 |
GLT Transportation Inc. | 800-422-3350 |
Gold Line Transport Ltd. | 506-622-2332 |
Golden International, Div. TFI 16, SEC. | 450-628-8000 x220 |
Gorno Transportation Services Inc. | 734-281-1666 |
Gorski Bulk Transport Inc. | 519-737-1275 |
Go-To Transport, Inc. | 866-366-4686 |
Grand Rapids Transport, Inc. | 800-333-3694 |
Great Lakes Customs Brokerage Inc. | 800-876-9151 716-215-9000 |
Ground Thunder Transport Inc. | 519-944-8887 800-905-1364 |
Groupe C.D.P. Inc d/b/a Demenagement Montreal Express | 514-336-5717 877-336-5717 |
Groupe Sculnick Transportation Inc. dba 3105474 Canada Inc. | 514-685-0070 514-685-1535 800-566-0075 |
GTI Transport Ltd. | 778-571-0321 |
GTL Transportation | 902-468-3100 |
GVT Inc. | 204-325-1345 |
Gypsum Express Ltd. | 800-621-7901 |
Carriers | Phone |
Hana Express | 708-671-0020 |
Hare Freight Services, Inc. | 248-524-2600 |
Harland Veinotte Ltd. | 800-675-8241 613-543-3753 |
Harv Wilkening Transport Ltd. | 800-661-7228 780-466-9155 |
HazMat Environmental Group, Inc. | 716-827-7200 |
HazMat Environmental Group, Inc. | 716-827-7200 |
Heartland Transport Ltd. | 204-436-2499 |
Hercules Forwarding Inc. | 604-517-1331 |
Heyl Truck Lines, Inc. | 403-279-9444 |
Highland Transport | 800-263-3356 |
Highway Freight Systems Inc. | 905-450-1575 |
Hillman's Transfer Ltd. | 902-564-8113 |
Hi-Tech Express, Inc. | 800-328-8350 763-537-1690 |
Holmes Freight Lines Inc. | 800-388-8947 |
Hornish Bros. Inc. | 419-267-5531 |
Hoss Cartage & Distribution Systems Inc. | 519-622-6336 |
Hudson's Bay Company | 905-565-9913 |
Hutton Transport Limited | 519-349-2233 |
Hyndman Transport 1972 Ltd. | 519-335-3575 |
Carriers | Phone |
I.S. Wight & Sons Trucking Ltd. | 250-246-1593 |
Impel Transport Ltd. | 204-331-9313 |
Instant Courier | 905-564-5555 |
Integrated Services Inc. | 888-232-2712 |
Interline Motor Freight Inc. | 800-615-8511 |
International Carriers (Tilbury) Inc. | 519-682-9883 |
International Machine Transport Inc. | 604-888-2543 |
International Truckload Services Inc | 613-961-5144 |
Interstate Distributor Co. | 800-426-8560 |
Intrinsic Transport Inc. | 800-845-1153 |
INX Press Corporation | 519-524-5340 |
Ivan Armstrong Trucking | 519-848-2645 |
iWheels Logistics | 800-663-6331 |
Carriers | Phone |
J & F Trucking Corporation | 905-683-7111 |
J P Transport Ltd. | 204-882-2225 |
J&N Trucking Services | 519-776-9757 |
J&R Hall Transport | 519-632-7429 |
J. Syvret and Co. Ltd. | 905-681-3077 |
J.A. Léveille and Fils 1990 Inc | 450-378-8474 |
J.A. Woodhouse Transfer Ltd. | 519-599-1031 |
J.B.M. Logistics | 306-653-5400 800-764-5551 |
J.G. Drapeau Limited | 800-792-7328 |
J.M.F. Transport (1992) Ltée | 450-532-2285 |
J.M.S. Transportation Services Limited | 519-336-0030 |
J.T.S. Inc. | 705-326-8888 |
JAC Transportation | 905-579-5959 |
Jade Transport Ltd. | 204-233-3566 888-367-5233 |
James Burg Trucking Company | 586-751-9000 |
Jardine Transport Ltd. | 800-561-0206 |
JBF Express Inc. | 716-683-9654 |
JBT Transport Inc. | 519-622-3604 |
Jeff Bryan Transport Ltd. | 519-449-2714 |
Jevic Transportation Inc. | 888-465-3842 |
Jim Johnson Trucking Ltd. | 250-579-0283 |
J-Line Transport Limited | 905-563-4908 |
Jones Express Inc. | 610-948-7900 |
Jones Motor Company Inc. | 610-948-7900 |
Joseph S. Chow Ltd. | 604-271-0255 |
Jovan Transport Inc. | 450-621-6800 |
JST Logistics Inc. | 905-476-5661 |
Jules Savard Inc. | 418-548-7187 |
Carriers | Phone |
K & T Transport Ltd. | 506-356-8613 |
K.A.M. Trucking Inc. | 905-899-3399 |
Karter Carriers Inc. | 519-972-0994 |
KC Transportation, Inc. | 734-654-0010 |
KCPK Trucking Inc. | 800-225-2068 |
K-Dac Expedite | 888-532-2669 |
Keith Hall & Sons Transport Ltd. | 800-265-0783 |
Keltic Transportation Inc. | 506-854-1233 |
Kel-West Carriers Ltd. | 250-765-8080 |
Ken Giberson Transport Ltd. | 506-627-1850 800-970-0707 |
Keypoint Carriers Limited | 519-537-8907 |
Kindersley Transport Company | 800-667-8557 |
King Freight Lines Ltd. | 902-485-8077 |
Kingsco Transport Ltd | 800-995-1188 |
Kinsdale Carriers Limited | 519-421-0600 |
Klemm Tank Lines | 800-450-5280 |
K-Limited Carrier, Ltd. | 419-269-0002 |
Koch Transport International Ltd. | 519-653-8530 |
Konink Logistic Inc. | 613-537-8900 |
Kootenay Wood Transport Ltd. | 800-661-1523 |
Kriska Holdings Ltd. | 613-925-5903 |
Krystel Transport | 450-462-3600 |
KYJO Transport Ltd. | 604-241-5956 866-435-5956 |
Carriers | Phone |
L & B Cartage Inc. d/b/a L & B Transportation Group | 800-686-0060 |
L & B Transportation Group | 989-759-5544 |
L. Frederick Mattice Farm & Trucking Inc. | 905-768-5467 |
L.A. Dalton Systems inc. | 800-363-5912 |
L.E. Walker Transport Ltd. | 800-265-4326 |
L.H.R. Transportation | 905-677-2622 |
LaFond Express, Inc. | 734-941-9000 |
Laidlaw Carriers Van GP Inc. | 519-766-0660 |
Lain Warehousing Inc. & Transportation | 416-675-0520 |
Landstar Express America, Inc. | 800-872-3278 |
Landstar Gemini, Inc | 800-872-9410 |
Landstar Inway, Inc | 800-872-9410 |
Landstar Ligon, Inc | 800-872-9410 |
Landstar Ranger, Inc | 800-872-9410 |
Langer Transport Corporation | 800-552-6437 x208 |
Laser Expedite and Logistics Inc. | 905-670-2244 |
Laser Transport Inc. | 519-974-3435 |
Lemko Trans Ltd | 905-273-6502 |
Len Dubois Trucking Inc. | 204-783-2798 |
Les Établissements Dubois Ltée | 450-245-0314 |
Les Placements Jean-Luc Tanguay Inc. | 418-582-3794 |
Les Transports CBG. Inc. | 514-235-7464 |
Les Transports Yvon Turcotte Ltée | 819-474-4884 |
Lexon Transport Inc. | 613-741-2696 |
Liberty Linehaul Inc. | 519-740-8181 |
Linamar Transportation Inc. | 519-837-2056 |
Lingar Transport Limited | 613-962-6666 |
Liquid Cargo Lines Ltd. | 905-823-9700 800-268-5300 |
Lisk Trucking Inc. | 704-272-7641 |
Lodwick Transport Limited | 888-563-9425 |
Logikor Dedicated Logistics | 519-622-8400 |
Lynden Transport Inc. | 800-426-5702 |
Lyon Transamerica Inc. | 450-965-6661 |
Lyons Mill and Timber Limited | 519-754-0962 |
Lyte Enterprises (2005) Inc. | 905-564-7660 |
Carriers | Phone |
M. Pearce Trucking Limited | 519-322-2531 ext. 228 |
M.A.D.J. Trucking Inc. | 506-992-3210 |
Mackie Moving Systems Corporation | 905-728-2400 |
MacKinnon Transport Inc. | 519-821-2311 |
Magic Transportation. | 519-456-7320 |
Maltais Transport | 450-658-3007 |
Mander Bros. Enterprises Ltd. | 604-599-3540 |
Manitoulin TLX Inc. | 800-268-9994 |
Maple Gate Logistics Inc. | 905-804-8210 |
Mark Burgers Transport Inc. | 519-356-2495 |
Martin Transportation Systems Inc. | 616-455-8850 |
Masschelein Trucking Ltd. | 519-294-6935 |
Matrix Expedited Service | 810-720-9805 |
Mawson & Mawson Inc | 215-750-1100 |
Maye Transport Inc. | 800-263-7426 |
McArthur Express Inc | 519-740-7080 |
McConchie Trucking Ltd. | 506-839-2348 |
McConnell Transport Ltd. | 800-268-9600 |
McCormicks Transport Systems Inc. | 416-757-9583 |
McKevitt Trucking Ltd. | 807-623-0054 |
MCL McGill Carriers Ltd. | 604-526-6560 877-393-8886 |
McNeill Express, Inc. | 479-361-9111 |
Mel Hall Transport Limited | 800-265-4090 |
Mel Janssesn Trucking Inc. | 519-533-2056 |
Mercer Transportation Company Inc. | 800-626-5375 |
Messenger Delivery Service | 519-631-9604 |
Metro Expedite | 423-745-8100 |
Metro Express Transportation Services Inc. | 800-805-0073 |
Meyers Transport Ltd. | 705-748-4444 |
Michigan Metal Transporters, Inc. | 734-722-9500 |
Midland Transport Limited | 506-858-5555 |
Midwest Logistics South | 419-222-9193 |
Midwest Logistics Systems | 419-222-9193 |
Mike N Boudreau Seafood Limited | 506-577-6271 |
Mile's and Sons Transport, Inc. | 519-974-0404 |
Mill Creek Motor Freight | 800-265-7868 519-623-6632 |
Miller Transfer and Rigging Co. | 800-669-6877 |
Miller Transporters Inc. | 800-645-5378 |
Modern Forwarding and Leasing Co. | 519-972-3055 |
Moe's Transport Trucking | 519-253-8442 |
Monarch Transport (1975) Ltd. | 780-440-6528 |
Monson Trucking, Inc. | 218-525-6681 |
Moonstone Inc. | 705-549-6555 |
Morley Annear Ltd. | 902-838-2116 |
Morrice Transportation | 800-567-3260 |
MorTrans Inc. | 613-962-2900 |
MSM Transportation Inc. | 800-667-4175 |
Mullen Trucking Inc. | 800-661-1469 |
Multiline Transport Ltd. | 416-913-2823 |
Murray Enterprises Ltd. | 506-839-2727 |
Musket Transport Ltd. | 905-275-4545 |
Muskoka Transport Limited | 800-461-5808 |
Carriers | Phone |
N. Yanke Transfer Ltd. | 306-955-4221 |
National Transportation Carriers Inc. | 888-314-9862 |
NEMF | 908-965-0100 |
New Era Trucking Ltd. | 604-507-0837 |
New Penn Motor Express Inc. | 717-274-2521 |
NGE Transport | 519-776-6418 |
Nixon Bros. Trucking | 250-492-4552 |
Noble Transport Ltd. | 905-852-3013 |
Nomade Transport dba 133678 Canada Inc. | 450-659-4612 |
Normandin Transit Inc. | 450-245-0445 800-667-8780 |
NTA Transport Inc. | 905-799-8558 |
Carriers | Phone |
Old Dominion Freight Line Inc. | 1-800-432-6335 |
One World Logistics of America Inc. | 937-645-7237 937-642-7246 |
Ottaway Motor Express Ltd. | 519-539-8434 |
Overnite Transportation Company | 804-231-8768 |
Carriers | Phone |
Q.C.S. - Quality Custom Service | 866-242-2572 519-337-4890 |
Q-Line Trucking | 306-651-3540 |
Quik X Transportation dba Roadfast | 905-565-2065 |
Carriers | Phone |
R. Buxton Transport Inc. | 604-864-9902 |
R.E.M. Transport Ltd. | 800-561-9049 (CDA) 800-561-0103 (USA) |
R.G. MacLeod Enterprises Ltd. | 506-855-4451 |
Railtran Services Inc. | 416-798-7737 |
Raymond O'Neill & Son Fisheries | 506-228-4794 |
Reghold Corporation | 705-759-1166 |
Reimer Express Lines Ltd | 204-958-5000 |
Relco Systems Inc. | 716-434-8100 |
Reliable Carriers, Inc. | 734-453-6677 |
Remex Express | 519-273-2483 |
Richard Fréchette Inc. | 819-845-9117 |
Rick Nickell Trucking Inc. | 250-546-2566 |
Rideway Transport Inc | 519-741-5991 |
RJR Transportation Group | 800-265-9613 |
Roadex Services Ltd. | 306-249-1080 |
RoadLink East | 716-597-0786 |
RoadLink Transportation Solutions | 1-87-ROADLINK {877-623-5465} |
RoadLink USA Pacific D/B/A RoadLink IntermodaLogistics | 1-925-467-5676 |
Roadstar Transport Company Ltd. | 604-882-7632 |
Roaring Express Inc. | 800-998-2699 |
Roman Barski Transport Ltd. | 905-547-7536 905-547-7737 |
Ron McMillan Transport | 613-543-3028 |
Rosedale Transport Ltd | 877-588-0057 |
Round The Lakes Motor Express Inc. | 866-597-5010 519-668-7007 |
RSB Logistic Inc. | 306-242-8300 |
Rumble Trucking & Logistics, Inc, | 888-207-9456 |
Rush Trucking Corporation | 800-526-7874 |
Russ's Motor Service Inc. | 800-446-2218 |
Ryder Logistics and Transportation Solutions Worldwide | 905-826-8777 |
Carriers | Phone |
S & J Transport | 604-592-9400 |
S & M Trucking Ltd. | 888-343-5555 |
S & S Transport, Inc. | 701-746-8484 |
S.E. Freight Systems Inc. | 519-668-2323 |
S.M. Transport | 418-228-6979 |
Sarnia Paving Stone Ltd | 519-337-7668 877-779-7668 |
SB Trucking Ltd. | 800-423-5085 |
Schenker of Canada Limited (formerly BAX Global (Canada) Ltd.) | 800-268-4777 |
Schneider National, Inc. | 800-558-6767 |
Schroeder Freight Inc. | 204-388-6100 888-268-4220 |
Scott Woods Transport Inc. | 800-387-9943 |
Sea-Fresh Reefer Transport Ltd. | 604-946-1960 |
Searcy Trucking Ltd. | 204-475-8411 800-665-8411 |
Select Transport Inc. | 902-798-8877 |
Service Star Freightways Inc. | 905-775-1755 |
Service Transport Company | 800-749-4285 |
Shandex Truck Inc. | 905-420-7407 |
Sharp Transportation Systems Inc. | 888-532-2323 |
Showcase Carriers Inc. | 519-742-1748 |
Shuttle Express Inc. | 905-827-1669 |
Sibley Trucking Inc. | 506-466-3872 |
Signature Truck Lines Inc. | 403-226-6555 |
SLH Transport Inc. | 613-384-9515 |
SM Freight Inc. | 519-676-5198 |
SMF Inc | 734-454-4090 |
Southern Oaks Ltd. | 519-776-6655 |
Spady Transport Ltd. | 604-535-1825 |
Speed Motor Express of Western New York | 716-876-2235 |
Speedy Transport | 905-455-8005 |
Spirit Road Xpress Inc. | 204-324-9779 |
Starliner Transport (1981) Ltd. | 800-663-2544 |
Steed Standard Transport | 519-271-9924 |
Stonehaven Farms Transportation Ltd. | 905-878-6835 |
Stones Transport | 416-736-0444 |
Street Cartage Limited | 519-882-2261 |
Sullivan Transportation Inc. | 651-338-6440 |
Sunbury Transport Ltd. | 506-453-1133 800-561-0055 |
Superior Carriers, Inc. | 630-573-2555 |
Swift Transportation Co., Inc. | 519-631-1880 |
Sylvite Transportation Group Ltd. | 888-850-2238 |
System 55 Transport Inc. | 905-842-6800 |
Carriers | Phone |
T & P Trucking Ltd. | 604-857-2728 |
T. Doyle Transport Ltd. | 306-781-1322 800-667-4491 |
T.D. Smith div of 440411 Ontario Ltd. | 800-265-8781 800-463-0387 519-323-2004 |
T.E.A.M. Transit Inc | 517-279-6262 |
T.S. Expedited Services, Inc. | 419-837-2401 |
T.T.R. Transport | 800-414-6753 |
T.V. Minority Company Inc. | 313-299-2164 |
Tandet Dedicated Inc. | 905-953-5457 |
Tank Truck Transport Inc. | 905-893-3447 |
Taylor Made Express Inc. | 414-571-8716 |
Tempo Transport Inc. | 506-454-5090 |
Terra Nova Transport Ltd. | 506-756-2077 |
TFX International Specialized Vehicle Transport | 416-243-8531 |
TFX Tempo Transport Inc. | 506-454-5090 |
The Buffalo Group of Companies Inc. | 905-565-9411 |
The Outbound Group | 734-947-9080 |
Thompson Emergency Freight | 800-265-7332 |
Thorsons Marketing Associates Canada Inc. | 416-742-0854 |
Three Star Trucking Company Inc | 800-969-8782 |
Three Stars Express | 450-477-3200 |
Tibbs Transport Inc. | 800-387-0638 |
TKO Transportation Inc. | 905-693-0022 |
T-Lane Transportation | 604-826-3844 877-780-2288 |
Tom MacDonald Trucking Ltd. | 902-562-5620 |
Total Transportation Solutions Inc. | 416-636-1444 |
Total Transportation Trucking, Inc. | 989-684-7351 |
Traffix | 905-875-0708 |
Trailwood Transport Ltd. | 800-265-1680 |
Trans American Trucking Service, Inc. | 908-755-9000 |
Trans X Ltd. | 800-665-7392 |
Transborder Logistics International Ltd. | 604-520-7777 |
TransBy Inc. | 819-357-8883 |
Transfreight Inc. | 519-650-0123 |
TransFrt McNamara Inc. | 519-740-6500 |
Transport A.L.J.R. Inc. | 418-582-6777 |
Transport Cathlo Inc. | 819-392-2292 |
Transport D.M.D. | 418-386-1230 |
Transport Ease and Management Services T.E.A.M.S. | 800-748-3267 |
Transport Eastern Inc. | 819-879-6671 |
Transport G.L.F. Transport | 418-789-2401 |
Transport George Léger Inc. | 450-371-8841 800-363-5378 |
Transport Grégoire Inc. | 819-362-8813 |
Transport Guilbault International | 418-681-0575 |
Transport Guy Bourassa Inc. | 800-363-9254 |
Transport Hervé Lemieux 1975 Inc. | 514-337-2203 |
Transport Luc Richard Inc. | 819-364-3536 |
Transport M. LeClerc Inc. | 819-479-1931 |
Transport Magog Express (1982) Inc. | 450-263-2631 |
Transport Marcan Inc. | 514-645-5557 |
Transport Miden Inc. | 450-772-5182 |
Transport Perez Inc. | 450-581-3887 |
Transport Rhéal Beaudry | 450-375-1744 888-379-9768 |
Transport Richer International | 514-645-5553 |
Transport Robert (1973) Ltee | 800-361-8281 |
Transport Rollex Ltée | 450-652-4282 |
Transport S.A.S. Drummondville Inc. | 819-477-6599 |
Transport Sales & Service | 800-263-5097 |
Transport Serge Beauregard Inc. | 450-245-0339 |
Transport Somavrac Inc. | 809-374-7551 |
Transport Sylvester & Forget Inc. | 800-665-4391 450-829-4241 |
Transport TFI 1 S.E.C. | 819-370-3422 |
Transportation Network Carriers, LLC. | 765-3491212 |
Transportation Services Inc. | 734-282-4444 |
Transportes Azteca International, Inc. | 716-825-3877 |
Transports Ducampro Inc. | 450-348-4400 800-342-4922 |
Transports R.P.R. Inc. | 800-363-3045 |
Trans-Send Freight Systems Ltd. | 905-795-0303 |
TransStewart Trucking Inc. | 517-567-2265 |
Travelers Transportation Services Inc. | 905-457-8789 |
Tri Corp Transportation Ltd. | 800-393-0579 |
Triangle Freight Services Ltd. | 306-373-7744 |
Tri-Line Carriers LP | 800-661-9191 |
Trimac Transportation East Inc. | 281-985-0000 |
Trimac Transportation Services Inc. | 403-298-5100 |
Trimac Transportation South Inc. | 281-985-0000 |
Triple Crown Services Co. | 260-416-3600 |
Tri-State Motor Transit Company | 800-234-8768 |
TST Expedited Services Inc. | 800-265-5022 |
TST Overland Express | 905-625-7500 |
TST Truckload Express | 905-602-5962 |
TTK Transport Inc. | 519-524-4331 |
TTR Transport | 905-725-5544 |
Two Amigos Logistics Solutions | 204-694-8464 866-211-1220 |
Two Door Transport Inc. | 425-508-7910 |
Carriers | Phone |
U.S. Bulk Transport Inc. | 814-824-9949 |
Unicity Integrated Logistics, Inc. | 204-477-4330 800-561-1830 |
Unique Freight Systems Inc. | 403-938-5200 |
United Motor Freight, Inc. | 206-933-0515 |
United Parcel Service | 800-742-5877 |
Universal Am-Can Ltd. | 800-461-5028 |
UPS Supply Chain Solutions | 800-714-8779 |
UPS-SCS Inc. | 514-285-1500 |
Ursus Transport Inc. | 416-243-8780 |
UTL Transportation Services (East) | 905-238-6855 x233 |
UTL Transportation Services (West) | 780-454-0761 |
Carriers | Phone |
Vandermarel Trucking Limited | 519-787-1563 |
Vansea Transport Ltd. | 800-663-8766 |
Vedder Transport Ltd. | 800-661-8883 |
Venture Logistics, Inc. | 317-787-1101 |
Verspeeten Cartage Ltd. | 519-425-7881 |
Vickerd Brothers Ltd. | 519-975-2256 800-265-2161 |
Viper Cargo Inc. | 519-649-7963 |
Vitran Express Canada Inc. | 416-798-4965 |
VTL Transport | 888-304-2494 |
Carriers | Phone |
XTL Transport Inc. | 800-665-9318 |
Carriers | Phone |
Yellow Transportation Inc | 1-800-610-6500 |
York Transportation Inc. | 905-454-4210 |
YRC Logistics Services Inc. | 905-670-0134 |
Yu Express Inc. | 519-945-9949 |
Carriers | Phone |
Zavcor Trucking Limited | 905-382-3444 |
Zoomers Inc. | 800-468-4911 |