If you need assistance locating information or using features such as search on our site, please try one of the links below.
Our Web site has been designed to provide you with different ways to find information. This page provides navigational information allowing you to quickly locate the documents, policies, initiatives, and pages that you are looking for.
The breadcrumb trail, found just beneath the common menu bar, shows where you are within the Web site and helps you to quickly navigate.
Home > Help > Document Formats
In the page footer, you will find information on the date the page was most recently updated. The footer also contains a quick link to the top of the page and a link to our important notices page which offers information on copyright, permission to reproduce, privacy, official languages, and our web links policy.
The search engine offers quick access to information through keywords or phrase searches in English or French.
Detailed instructions are found on our Search Help page.
If you have questions or comments on the CBSA or our Web site please Contact Us.