Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

eManifest Newsletter


First Edition (Fall 2008)

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Moving forward

eManifest will change the way we do business at the border, enhance security and encourage the free flow of low-risk, legitimate goods.

One of the key elements that feed into this major initiative is our ongoing partnership with the trade community. Through forums such as the eManifest Stakeholder Partnership Network, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has consulted trade chain members and integrated their feedback into the design of eManifest as much as possible.

Check out the Coming Soon! section of this newsletter to find out what you can expect to see in the coming weeks and months.

All of these discussions and consultations are now producing results. Over the coming months, you can expect to see data element sets, detailed client requirements and decisions on key issues such as the first point of arrival (FPOA). Through the CBSA Web site, you can stay up to date on the key topics of discussion and meeting summaries from the Network's committees, and read up on the latest developments.

Consultations will continue at the upcoming eManifest plenary meeting, which is being planned for early 2009. For information about the industry representatives attending this meeting, review the article entitled Getting ready for eManifest.

I am pleased to introduce the first issue of the eManifest Newsletter. This newsletter is just one of the many ways the CBSA will help you stay tuned to what is being discussed, what decisions have been made and what this will all mean for your business.

Much like this newsletter, eManifest is about getting the right information at the right time. The initiative will improve the CBSA's ability to detect goods, people and conveyances that pose the greatest risk to the security and prosperity of our nation. At the same time, low-risk shipments will be identified earlier and will be screened and processed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Your feedback is essential to the success of this initiative. Help us build a safe, more efficient and secure border.

Glenda Lavergne
Director General, eManifest

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eManifest 101: Getting the basics

As a member of the trade community, you know that getting goods into Canada as quickly and securely as possible is critical to your business's success. This is why you need to be aware of the CBSA's eManifest initiative.

Here is what you should know about eManifest:

  • All businesses involved in the trade chain will have to provide the CBSA with electronic data on their crew, cargo and conveyance within specified time frames (see chart below) before the goods reach Canada.
  • Since the CBSA recognizes that businesses will need time to adapt to eManifest requirements, the Agency is implementing the project in phases. eManifest is expected to be fully implemented by 2012.
  • Currently, marine and air carriers are required to provide the CBSA with electronic pre-arrival information within specified time frames. eManifest will extend this requirement to include all members of the trade chain (importers, carriers and freight forwarders) in all modes of transportation (highway, rail, marine and air).
  • Once implemented, eManifest will provide a more streamlined border clearance process. The CBSA will receive pre-arrival information and will electronically confirm receipt of this data to the members of the trade chain. The Agency will then complete a risk assessment and make admissibility and enforcement recommendations before the goods arrive at the border. As low-risk shipments will be identified pre-arrival, they can be processed in an efficient manner upon arrival in Canada.
  • To help the trade community comply with eManifest requirements, the CBSA is developing a Web portal that will enable users to transmit and track pre-arrival information electronically. The current options for submitting electronic data include value-added networks, third-party service providers, the Customs Internet Gateway and Direct Connect to the CBSA. These options will continue to be alternatives under eManifest.
  • This initiative will help improve two-way communication between trade chain partners and the CBSA.

Now that you've got the basics, make sure you have your say and stay on top of the latest developments.

Time frames for forwarding pre-arrival information

The pre-arrival information provided by trade chain partners is matched and risk assessed before shipments arrive at the border. When eManifest is fully implemented, pre-arrival information must be received by the CBSA by the time indicated in the chart.

  Marine * Air Rail Highway  
Carriers will provide pre-arrival crew, cargo and conveyance information as follows: 24 hours prior to loading 4 hours prior to arrival or upon departure 2 hours prior to arrival 1 hour prior to arrival The CBSA will validate data, risk assess the shipment and make admissibility and/or examination recommendations prior to the arrival of the shipment in Canada.
Freight forwarders will provide pre-arrival secondary information as follows:

Supplementary information is required for the marine mode of transportation 24 hours prior to loading.
24 hours prior to arrival 4 hours prior to arrival or upon departure 2 hours prior to arrival 1 hour prior to arrival
Importers will provide pre-arrival admissibility information as follows: 24 hours prior to arrival 4 hours prior to arrival or upon departure 2 hours prior to arrival 1 hour prior to arrival

* Note: for detailed marine timeframes please refer to advance timeframes for reporting in the marine mode.

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Getting ready for eManifest

The eManifest Stakeholder Partnership Network represents various industry stakeholders, including the following:

  • I.E. Canada (the Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters)
  • the Canadian Trucking Alliance
  • the Canadian Courier & Logistics Association
  • the Canadian Society of Customs Brokers
  • the Canadian Sufferance Warehouse Association
  • the Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association
  • the Owner-Operator's Business Association of Canada

Get involved! For a full list of representatives, visit the “eManifest” section of the CBSA's Web site.

Steps to get ready

There are steps you can take now to get ready for the eManifest requirements. The first step is to become informed. The eManifest section of the CBSA's Web site provides more information and updates on the initiative, and answers questions.

You can also provide feedback to the CBSA through the eManifest Stakeholder Partnership Network. The Network comprises participants from more than 30 trade associations, representing various industry stakeholders and experts, including freight forwarders, importers and carriers.

If you are not represented through the Network, it is important to visit the CBSA's Web site regularly for updates. You can also stay in touch by subscribing to the eManifest RSS feed. The CBSA is committed to working with all levels of the trade community. Your involvement will help us get you the right information at the right time.

Plenary Meeting

The eManifest Stakeholder Partnership Network's plenary meetings provide an opportunity for the CBSA and trade chain partners to review the design, development and implementation of eManifest. The next meeting is scheduled for early 2009.

Find out more…

Visit the CBSA's Web site to find out what's being discussed within the eManifest Stakeholder Partnership Network, who may be affected, and what actions are being taken.

This meeting will draw on the work that has been done over the past year and a half and provide the updates and answer the questions necessary to keep the initiative moving forward to meet the needs of both the CBSA and its stakeholders.

The Network is helping the CBSA understand and take into account the needs and priorities of industry in designing and implementing eManifest. Multiple working groups cover more specific topics, such as the initiative's design, development and related communications.

Note: The next plenary meeting has been delayed from December 4 to 5, 2008, until early 2009.

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Coming soon

In the coming weeks and months, the CBSA will prepare to release the following:

  • decisions on importer admissibility data (IAD) requirements;
  • sets of data elements consisting of conveyance, cargo and secondary information that the CBSA will require or request from highway and rail carriers and freight forwarders; and
  • an Electronic Commerce Client Requirements Document (ECCRD) for rail and highway carriers.

Benefits of eManifest

Transactions with the CBSA conducted under eManifest will be paperless.

The CBSA is designing a paperless system in which trade chain partners will be able to transmit and receive confirmations and status information electronically. Through this system, trade chain partners can track their shipment information and two-way communication between the trade community and the CBSA will improve.

The CBSA's admissibility and enforcement reviews will be made before shipments arrive in Canada.

This will enable the CBSA to focus its resources on those shipments and people identified as high risk and stop them before or at the border. This will in turn contribute to the security and safety of all Canadians.

As well, the CBSA may reward compliance and regular, low-risk status with streamlined processing. This could result in some shipments being processed more quickly and easily.

eManifest requirements will be harmonized to the greatest extent possible with international requirements.

The CBSA is working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to bring eManifest requirements in line with the U.S. Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) program.

As a member of the World Customs Organization (WCO), Canada is following the WCO's Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade in the development of the eManifest initiative.

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Stay in touch

Get involved in eManifest. Talk with local or national associations, consult our Web site regularly for updates and subscribe to this biannual newsletter.

For more information, or to submit article ideas for the eManifest Newsletter, contact us:

by mail: eManifest, Ottawa, ON K1A 0S5
by e-mail:
through our Web site


To subscribe to the eManifest RSS news feed (and the eManifest Newsletter), visit and click on the “Stay in touch” link in the “Priorities” box.