If you are a NEXUS member, you will receive a new NEXUS card with enhanced security features between late fall 2008 and early winter 2009. (This will not affect the current expiry date of your NEXUS membership.)
To ensure that you receive your card and that your NEXUS privileges continue without interruption, it is important that you check if the NEXUS program has your correct mailing address.
Note: Do not request a replacement card using the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES). The new card will be mailed to you free of charge.
Whether you applied to NEXUS online or mailed in a paper application, you must verify and update your mailing address using the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES).
If you applied to NEXUS using a paper application and do not have an online account, you must register for a GOES user ID by following the instructions provided on the GOES Web site. Once you have registered, you can log in to your account to verify and update your mailing and e-mail addresses at any time. The purpose of this simple process is not to submit a new application but to ensure that your information is up-to-date.
If you verified or updated your mailing and e-mail addresses using the GOES system, there is no requirement to contact the NEXUS program.
To update all other contact information, such as a telephone number or a passport number, you can contact a NEXUS enrolment centre.