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Towards Confederation
Provinces and Territories
Maps 1667-1999
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Section Title: Provinces and TerritoriesSection Title: Provinces and TerritoriesSection Title: Provinces and Territories
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Selected Newspaper Articles, July 1867

Breeze, J. T. "British North America: the great theme of the age, a poem on the confederation of the British American provinces," The Daily Citizen (Ottawa), July 1867.

"Confederation Day!," The Globe, July 1, 1867, vol. 24, no. 156 supplement, p. 4.

"Confederation Day in Toronto  --  the programme of rejoicings," The Globe, July 1, 1867, vol. 24, no. 156, supplement, p. 4.

Untitled, The Ottawa Times, July 1, 1867, p. 2.

"Celebration of Dominion Day,", The Expositor, July 5, 1867, p. 2.


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