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Towards Confederation
Provinces and Territories
Maps 1667-1999
Confederation for Kids
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Photograph: International convention at Québec of delegates of the legislatures of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland, October 27, 1864.
Banner: Canadian ConfederationBanner : Canadian Confederation
Section Title: Provinces and TerritoriesSection Title: Provinces and TerritoriesSection Title: Provinces and Territories
About This SiteKey TermsDocumentsImagesBibliographyFor Teachers

The Canada we know today comprises ten provinces and three territories. The process leading to the entry of each of these provinces and territories into Canadian confederation is a story worth telling. The following texts present the social, economic and political conditions that existed when these provinces and territories joined Canada. Emphasis is placed on the specific experiences of each province or territory, and on the similarities between the various provinces and territories. You will become acquainted with the principal characters and you will be plunged into the main discussions. You will get an idea of what Canada was like during these various moments in its history.

Province or Territory Joined Confederation
Alberta 1905
British Columbia 1871
Manitoba 1870
New Brunswick 1867
Newfoundland 1949
Northwest Territories 1870
Nova Scotia 1867
Nunavut 1999
Ontario 1867
Prince Edward Island 1873
Quebec 1867
Saskatchewan 1905
Yukon 1898