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Towards Confederation
Provinces and Territories
Maps 1667-1999
Confederation for Kids
Graphical element
Photograph: Québec, Saint-Jean and Couillard streets, ca. 1868-1871.
Banner: Canadian ConfederationBanner : Canadian Confederation
Section Title: For TeachersSection Title: For TeachersSection Title: For Teachers
About This SiteKey TermsDocumentsImagesBibliographyFor Teachers

Comprehensive teaching strategies on the National Library of Canada's website include detailed guidelines for educators, including learning outcomes/expectations/objectives, suggested criteria for assessment, instructions for classroom use, and worksheets.

One lesson and one activity have been developed for the National Library's Confederation websites.

Building a Nation (Ages 11+)
In this comprehensive teaching strategy, students learn about Canada (past and present) as they renegotiate Confederation.

Building a Nation HTML PDF RTF
Sources Sheet HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 1 HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 2 HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 3 HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 4 HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 5 HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 6 HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 8 HTML PDF RTF
Student Handout 9 HTML PDF RTF
Assessment Criteria HTML PDF RTF

Crossword Puzzle (Ages 10+)
A fun activity using the National Library's Confederation websites.

Confederation Crossword HTML PDF RTF