George Hedley Vicars Bulyea
(February 17, 1859 - July 28, 1928)
From 1878 to 1882, George H. V. Bulyea was the principal of an elementary school in New Brunswick. He moved to the Northwest Territories in 1882. His political career began in 1898 when he became a member of the Executive Council.
In 1904, Bulyea was appointed commissioner of Public Works by "Premier" Frederick William Haultain, and was part of the delegation that travelled to Ottawa to negotiate the entry of Alberta and Saskatchewan into Confederation.
In recognition of his loyal service to the Northwest Territories and to Canada, Bulyea was named lieutenant-governor of the new province of Alberta in 1905, a position he held until 1915.
Wallace, W. Stewart. -- "George Hedley Vicars Bulyea." -- The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. -- 4th revised edition, updated by W. A. McKay. -- Toronto : Macmillan, 1978. -- P. 108-109.
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