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Peter Ittinuar

Photograph: Nunatsiaq MP Peter Ittinuar, members of Ittinuar's family, Pierre Trudeau and his three sons at the Rankin Inlet airport, 1983

(1950 - )

Peter Ittinuar was born in Chesterfield Inlet, Northwest Territories (N.W.T.) in 1950. Before beginning his political career, he was a professor of Inuktitut, and of Inuit culture, at the University of Ottawa. He was also a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) announcer, editor of Inuit Today, and film-maker.

In 1979, he ran in the federal election, winning the seat for the newly created riding of Nunatsiaq as a member of the New Democratic Party (NDP). He was the first Inuk Member of Parliament. In 1982, following the Liberal government's announcement of plans for establishing self-government in the N.W.T., Ittinuar "crossed the floor" to become a member of the Liberal Party.

In addition to his political career, Ittinuar has served as executive director/special assistant for the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada. Currently, he holds the position of Assistant Deputy Minister, Department of Sustainable Development, in the Nunavut government.


"Ittinuar, Peter". -- Canadian parliamentary guide / guide parlementaire canadien, 1982-1983. -- Ed. Pierre G. Normandin. -- Ottawa : Pierre G. Normandin, 1983. -- P. 321.

Townsend, Ted. -- "Ittinuar crosses floor". -- Nunatsiaq news [online]. -- April 1, Souvenir Edition. -- [Cited December 4, 2000). -- Access:

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