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The following excerpt is from:

The Saint John Morning News
July 1, 1867, p. 2


Edward Willis, Editor
Monday Morning

For good or for ill we this day enter upon a new and most important phase of our political existence. No longer isolated from contiguous Sister Colonies, an intimate union with whom, a common origin, a community of interests, a substantial similarity of political institutions and political predilections have combined to suggest, we start upon our new career with all the omens favorable to our success.

We cherish high expectations of future prosperity for the New Dominion. We anticipate a vast development of manufacturing industry, a wide extension for our shipping and commerce, and a rapid increase to our population. The resources of the Dominion are varied and great; and the spirit of its people will rise to a level with their position and their opportunities. The Dominion will make for itself a name in the world worthy of the honored stock from which its people sprang. Its sons, always proud of their ancestry, will soon grow proud of their country.

We expect this glowing future to be wrought out by no magic unknown to other people who have been wise to profit by the advantages which have fallen to their lot. On the contrary, we rely upon the solid virtues of manly industry, of active enterprize, of political and commercial forethought and of sagacious combination for the common good, operating on the wide and favorable arena which union will secure, to work out for us all the marvels which we venture to predict.

We do not suppose that we shall have nothing but sunshine along the pathway which we are about to traverse. Far from it. There will be pestilence sometimes to decimate our households. There will be blights and mildews and army worms and kindred evils to famish our fields. There will be floods to drown our meadows and tempests to sink our ships. Cruel wars, let us hope they will always be distant from us, will interrupt the course of trade; and commercial revulsions will slacken the sinews of labor. From the common lot of mortals there is no escape within or without the Union.

There will be a strenuous demand for high intelligence and sterling integrity to guide safely and skillfully the helm of state. The old fashioned virtues of industry, frugality and honesty will have a wide scope to shew how prosperous they will make any people who faithfully cultivate them.

Brought face to face with the grave responsibilities of our new position, let the clamors of faction die out. Let the friends and the foes of a Union that is now consummated to do their utmost to make it an unspeakable and lasting benefit to their common country. We trust the day is not far distant when the Union will amply vindicate itself to the perfect satisfaction of those now the most hostile to its claims and the most doubtful of its prospective advantages.


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