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Building a Nation

Teacher Assessment Sheet

Assessment Criteria

Program Area: Social Studies (History)

Criterion: Understanding Concepts

Attainment Descriptor:

  • As a member of a small-group research team, the student locates, records and presents accurate historical information related to Canada's Confederation.

Program Area: Social Studies (History)

Criterion: Understanding Concepts

Attainment Descriptors:

  • As a member of a Canadian group/region's representative team, the student researches, documents and presents information and opinions related to issues and their potential impact on Confederation today.
  • The student assists in the completion of Handouts 2 (Reasons), 3 (Assets and Needs), and 5 (Speech Response), and contributes to the composition of the group/region's speech text, in order to communicate the results of inquiries related to Canada's Confederation.

Program Area: Language, Reading

Criterion: Reading of Non?fiction Materials

Attainment Descriptors:

  • The student reads related information from the sources as specified by the teacher.
  • The student applies information from reading to the completion of student tasks (handouts and speech).

Program Area: Language, Writing

Criterion: Communicate ideas and information for a variety of purposes

Attainment Descriptor:

  • The student assists in drafting the group/region's speech, respecting the provided requirements.
    • Introduction: Why the group/region hopes to be a member of a new confederation (or not).
    • Body:
      • What are the group/region's needs.
      • What strengths the group/region possesses.
      • What type of government they would like to see.
    • Conclusion: Three rights they wish to have protected.

Program Area: Language, Oral and Visual Communication

Criterion: Communication Skills

Attainment Descriptors:

  • The text of speech is concise, clear, and addresses the main ideas as outlined above in Introduction, Body and Conclusion guidelines
  • The student contributes and works constructively in small groups
  • The student listens and responds constructively to alternate viewpoints
  • The student expresses ideas and opinions confidently without trying to dominate discussion

Instructions / Sources Sheet / Assessment Criteria/
Student Handouts : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9