Shared Services Integration

Shared Services Integration (SSI) provides the following services on full cost-recovery basis:

  • Integrated program support and management to clusters of government departments and agencies that use corporate administrative shared systems
  • Shared human resources services to various small government departments and agencies (SDAs)

SSI supports the following five clusters:

  • IFMS - Integrated Financial and Materiel System: SAP system which is the ERP standard for the Government of Canada
  • FB  - FreeBalance System: financial legacy system for SDAs
  • GC HRMS - Government of Canada Human Resources Management System: PeopleSoft system which is the ERP standard for the Government of Canada
  • HRIS - Human Resources Information System: Current legacy system for SDAs, will be moving to the first instance of the GC PeopleSoft 9.1 Standard Configuration
  • AMMIS - Automated Materiel Management Information System: a materiel management information system.

SSI has new innovative service offerings under development:

  • Shared Case Management System
  • Shared Financial System and Services
  • Human Resources Information System Replacement Project

Learn more about shared corporate administrative systems and services by e-mailing: