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Policy on Green Procurement: Tips and Tools for Suppliers

The Policy on Green Procurement

In April 2006, the Government of Canada's Policy on Green Procurement took effect. It directs federal departments and agencies to incorporate environmental considerations into the procurement decision-making processes for all goods and services purchased. Departments are responsible for setting green procurement targets and including environmental criteria and specifications. As a result, suppliers have a key role to play in advancing the government's environmental agenda by providing environmentally preferable goods and services.

Tips and Tools for Suppliers on Green Procurement

Understand key environmental issues associated with your goods and services

Assess all aspects of the lifecycle, from goods production, through distribution, use and disposal as well as service delivery.

Demonstrate environmental features of your goods and services

Is your good or service environmentally preferable compared to others on the market? Highlight features that address the key environmental features typically associated with your good or service.

Share information on your corporate environmental policies and practices

What is your business doing to reduce its environmental impacts? Environmental practices within your daily operations may center on efficient manufacturing processes, 'green' offices or recycling programs. In your bid, be prepared to provide information on your environmental programs in solicitations, even in cases where they are not mandatory. Ongoing analysis of supplier submissions may influence the direction of future environmental evaluation criteria or specifications.

Ensure that environmental specifications and evaluation criteria are met before submitting your bid

More and more bid solicitations may include evaluation criteria (either mandatory or rated) or contractual requirements related to the environment. Some point-rated criteria in the evaluation process may account for 10% or more of the evaluation. Demonstrating compliance with all environmental criteria and specifications can be key to a successful bid.

Consult: Contacts for Suppliers on the Buy and Sell website

Visit the Office of Greening Government Operations' website where you will find the Policy on Green Procurement and the Green Procurement Toolkit.

Visit the Acquisitions Branch's Green Procurement website to find the Green Procurement Plans which identify the environmental considerations for each good or service and the Green Language Repertoire which is a compilation of exact wording taken from existing Solicitation documents (Requests for Standing Offers, Requests for Supply Arrangements and Requests for Proposals).

For more information, contact PWGSC's Green Procurement Team: