Workplace 2.0 Pillars of Renewal
The Workplace: Anywhere, anytime, with anyone
The first pillar is about renewing the physical workplace - the buildings, workspace and office. This means new office designs that are flexible and maximize the use of space and technology. Sustainable design principles - including more daylight and using more green products and finishes - are now part of the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards. Our buildings will need to be “smart” by providing connectivity in the workplace and supporting energy savings.
The Back Office: Break down barriers
The second pillar is about renewing policies, processes and systems that support public servants in their work such as human resources policies and pay, pension and information management systems. By replacing or updating back office systems, the new breed of knowledge workers will be able to contribute quickly to the government decision-making process and be better able to support the delivery of programs to Canadians.
The Way We Work: Connect, communicate, collaborate
The third pillar is about using new technologies - such as wireless connectivity and notebooks - that allow employees to now work in very different ways than in the past. We can work from anywhere, have meetings via high-definition video conferencing technology, and connect to each other using social media tools.
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