Executive summary—The Long Term Vision and Plan Annual Report 2015 to 2016

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About the Long Term Vision and Plan

The Long Term Vision and Plan (LTVP) is a comprehensive strategy to renew the Parliamentary Precinct by:

The LTVP sets out clear objectives and priorities, provides detailed planning and design guidance and establishes a practical framework for implementation. Rolling five-year programs of work establish shorter-term implementation objectives in the context of the longer-term vision.

The Minister of Public Services and Procurement (PSP) is the official custodian of the Parliament Buildings and grounds. In 2008, the Department created the Parliamentary Precinct Branch (PPB) to provide a single point of service delivery to the Parliament of Canada. In delivering the LTVP, PPB works closely with its Parliamentary Partners—the Senate of Canada, the House of Commons, the Library of Parliament and the recently formed Parliamentary Protective Service—to identify parliamentary requirements and deliver a complex scope of work.

To ensure that work is coordinated and integrated, PPB has established the following programs for the delivery of projects:

As the LTVP program advances, broader benefits are also realized, including:

Fiscal year highlights

Total LTVP expenditures for fiscal year 2015 to 2016 were $387.8 million, an increase of 9.0% over fiscal year 2014 to 2015. This upward trend which began in 2010 reflects the increasing maturity of the LTVP program and the concentration of large-scale rehabilitation and construction work currently underway in the Precinct with many projects at peak implementation. Major capital program expenditures accounted for 84.5% of total LTVP expenditures, again reflecting the scale and concentration of major projects currently underway.

Fiscal year 2015 to 2016 was a year of solid progress for all LTVP programs. MCP and the BCC program achieved 100% on time, on budget and on scope overall, and the RECAP Program achieved 88% overall for the year.

Key MCP achievements in fiscal year 2015 to 2016 were:

In fiscal year 2015 to 2016, key RECAP achievements were:

BCC is currently undertaking a series of precinct-wide communication and connectivity projects, all of which advanced on target in fiscal year 2015 to 2016, including:

Planning completed the exterior lighting master plan and advanced the emergency power master plan, the underground infrastructure master plan and the material management master plan.

Figure 1—Long Term Vision and Plan expenditures—Fiscal year 2015 to 2016 (in millions of dollars)

Planned expenditures $408.0
Actual expenditures $387.8
Percentage spent 95.0%

Figure 2—Long Term Vision and Plan budget and expenditures by program—Fiscal year 2015 to 2016 (in millions of dollars)

Figure 2—Long Term Vision and Plan budget and expenditures by program—Fiscal year 2015 to 2016 (in millions of dollars) - See description below.
Table equivalent of figure 2—Long Term Vision and Plan budget and expenditures by program—Fiscal year 2015 to 2016 (in millions of dollars)
Program Total expenditures Total budget
Major capital program (MCP) $328.0 $346.6
Recapitalization program (RECAP) $23.6 $23.8
Building Components and Connectivity Program (BCC) $23.1 $19.5
Planning program $13.1 $18.1

Note: The BCC program expenditures exceeded the planned annual budget as a result of the advancement of projects. Overall, the BCC program remained within project approval and expenditure authority.

The year ahead

Major LTVP advances will be made in fiscal year 2016 to 2017 leading up to the full rehabilitation of the Centre Block beginning in 2018.

The Wellington Building will be fully commissioned and occupied by the House of Commons and significant components of work will be completed on the West Block, including the courtyard infill structure and the north court structure. The roof and exterior masonry will be completed, and all of the windows will be installed.

All RECAP projects will be completed in fiscal year 2016 to 2017, as will all current Planning projects. Four of the current BCC projects will be completed in fiscal year 2016 to 2017, with two additional projects nearing completion. All programs will be taking on new projects as the next five-year program of work is implemented.

In 2017, when Canada marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation, Parliament Hill will be the focus of major national celebrations. PPB is working closely with stakeholders such as the National Capital Commission and the City of Ottawa to ensure the experience of this historical milestone remains enjoyable and memorable for both Canadians and visitors from abroad. Although projects will continue to progress, external construction activities will be scaled down to minimize their impact on the celebrations.

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