The Long Term Vision and Plan—The Long Term Vision and Plan Annual Report 2015 to 2016

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The Minister of Public Services and Procurement (PSP) is the official custodian of the Parliament Buildings and grounds. In 2008, the Parliamentary Precinct Branch (PPB) was established to provide a single point of service delivery to the Parliament of Canada.

In collaboration with its Parliamentary Partners—the Senate of Canada, the House of Commons, the Library of Parliament and the Parliamentary Protective Service—and other key stakeholders, PPB is responsible for the overall management and day-to-day operations and care of the buildings and grounds within the Campus.

PPB is also responsible for the development and advancement of the Long Term Vision and Plan (LTVP), a comprehensive strategy to:

First developed in 2001, the LTVP created a vision and set of guiding principles for the future of the Precinct.

In 2007, working closely with the Parliamentary Partners, PPB updated the LTVP. This review underscored the need to rehabilitate the Parliamentary Triad (West Block, Centre Block and East Block) as the first priority since these buildings face serious deterioration.

A tool to guide future designers and decision-makers, the 2007 LTVP provides a broad comprehensive assessment of the site, setting out overall capacity for new development and coordinating future planning considerations. And it does this in ways that allow the operational requirements of the institutions to be met, the heritage character of the buildings to be preserved, the degraded elements to be repaired and the magnificent qualities and potential of the site to be fully realized.

The updated LTVP also created an implementation framework designed to provide flexibility and enhance accountability by establishing shorter-term objectives in the context of the longer-term vision.

Long Term Vision and Plan - the vision

The Parliamentary Precinct is the home of Canada's parliamentary system and the physical expression of our commitment to democracy and the principle of freedom. The picturesque landscape and architectural style of the Precinct are enduring visual symbols of our country, while the openness, accessibility and security of the public spaces are representative of the values treasured and celebrated by all Canadians.

The Precinct provides the setting for the work of parliamentarians and staff to be carried out in a secure and efficient manner, but it is also the preeminent gathering place for public expression and celebration, as well as a place of quiet reflection.

Change within the Parliamentary Precinct needs to occur in a way that balances the evolving functional needs of parliamentarians and other users with the overriding commitment to preserve the historic, environmental and symbolic primacy of the site.

Long Term Vision and Plan guiding principles

Symbolic primacy
Preserve and enhance the symbolic primacy and visual integrity of Parliament Hill
Heritage value
Respect for the role and heritage value of the buildings, the landscape and the settings as a symbol of Canadian democracy
Natural environment
Ensure that development is sensitive to the natural environment of the site
Precinct boundary
Establish a clear physical boundary to accommodate all core parliamentary activities and essential services
Ensure balance between openness, accessibility and security
Patterns of use
Incorporate coherent and harmonious patterns of use within the site and surrounding community
Ensure interconnections of functions, services and buildings
Provide responsible stewardship of resources

Long Term Vision and Plan boundary

The boundary of the Parliamentary Precinct encompasses all lands south of the Ottawa River and north of Wellington Street from the Rideau Canal to Kent Street and all lands north of Sparks Street and south of Wellington Street from Elgin Street to Bank Street. This campus is illustrated on Figure 3.

For planning purposes, the LTVP also includes the Judicial Precinct and the Library and Archives Canada site, both to the west of the Parliamentary Precinct. This broad planning perspective ensures that short-and long-term considerations for the renewal of the heritage buildings are undertaken in a comprehensive and coordinated way.

PPB is responsible for the Parliamentary Precinct, which includes 34 Crown-owned buildings and associated lands of which 28 are designated heritage properties. The Branch also oversees 15 leased buildings, as well as special purpose facilities (including some properties outside the Parliamentary Precinct) that provide supporting functions for Parliament.

Figure 3—The Parliamentary Precinct boundary

Figure 3—The Parliamentary Precinct boundary - See description below.
Image description of figure 3—The Parliamentary Precinct boundary

This map indicates the boundary of the Parliamentary Precinct which encompasses all lands south of the Ottawa River and north of Wellington Street from the Rideau Canal to Kent Street and all lands north of Sparks Street and south of Wellington Street from Elgin Street to Bank Street. The scale is in meters.


The Parliamentary Precinct is the seat of Canada's parliamentary system and a symbolic gathering place for Canadians during times of democratic expression and national celebrations. The natural setting on an escarpment overlooking the Ottawa River provides a striking contrast for the magnificent buildings positioned around a great lawn. While the Parliament Buildings are ranked among the best mid-19th century gothic revival parliamentary complexes in the world, the rich symbolism of a rugged natural beauty combined with the formal ceremonial aspects of Parliament is uniquely Canadian.

Officially opened in 1866—the year before Confederation—the Parliament Buildings have been home to the ongoing work of the country for 150 years. These buildings represent the history of the country as well as its future through the ongoing work of Parliament where decisions affecting the lives of Canadians and the future of the country are made.

It is essential, therefore, that the Parliamentary Precinct be preserved and enhanced for current and future generations of Canadians and that the heritage buildings and grounds be restored and modernized to provide Parliament with the accommodations and facilities it needs to function openly and effectively in the 21st century. The LTVP is a comprehensive strategy for doing this.

In addition to preserving and rehabilitating the Precinct buildings and grounds, the work of the LTVP also provides other meaningful benefits:

Through the work of the LTVP, the Parliamentary Precinct will continue to stand as a proud symbol of Canadian heritage and the centre of a parliamentary system equipped to handle the demands of a growing, dynamic nation in a rapidly changing world.

Program delivery

The first priority of the LTVP is the rehabilitation of the Parliamentary Triad—West Block, Centre Block and East Block. Given the nature and extent of this work, the buildings must be emptied and rehabilitated, which triggers a series of facilitating projects.

Long Term Vision and Plan move sequence

This table illustrates the extensive sequence of moves needed to allow Centre Block to be vacated and rehabilitated, identifying those projects that have been completed (primarily along Sparks Street), those underway (including West Block and the Government Conference Centre) and those that are currently planned for the future (Centre Block and East Block). Planned move dates are also provided.

        Year of move
Occupants or functions moved from: Valour Building to Sun Life Financial Centre
(99 Bank and 50 O'Connor)
to C. D. Howe Building (240 Sparks) 2006
to 119 Queen 2007
Wellington Building to 131 Queen 2008
to 131 Queen 2010
to 155 Queen 2010
to Off-site 2010
to Confederation Building Not indicated
West Block to Offsite: Food Production Facility 2009
to Government Conference Centre 2010
to 1 Rideau 2010
to Valour Building (151 Sparks) 2010
Government Conference Centre to Sir John A. Macdonald Building 2015
Occupants or functions proposed to move from: Centre Block to Wellington Building 2018
to West Block 2018
to Government Conference Centre 2018
to 1 Rideau 2018
to Other 2018
East Block to Wellington Building Not indicated
to Other 2028

Implementation of the LTVP is based on rolling five-year programs of work. These shorter cycles establish a structured framework for systematically working towards the longer-term priority and provide flexibility to respond to changing circumstances (e.g. government and parliamentary priorities, deteriorating building conditions). The five-year cycles also allow greater accuracy in defining functional requirements and establishing project costs and scheduling. This facilitates stronger project management and supports greater fiscal responsibility.

To deliver this vast and complex scope of work in a coordinated and integrated way—all while ensuring that the buildings yet to be rehabilitated remain safe and functional—PPB established four closely connected and interdependent programs:

Program components

The Planning program focuses on the development of strategic master plans, sector development plans, and enabling studies that guide investment decisions and the prioritization of future projects. This program ensures that all future work in the Precinct aligns with the overarching vision and guiding principles of the LTVP. The planning team provides master plans and studies to support the initiation of new projects, and coordinates active projects to ensure they dovetail and contribute to the broader objectives of the LTVP. Once projects have been identified and the preplanning work is complete, projects are transferred to MCP and RECAP for delivery.

MCP manages the primary construction of new and rehabilitation projects necessary to advance the priority of restoring the main heritage buildings—West Block, Centre Block, and East Block. MCP is also responsible for the rehabilitation, construction and fit-up of all buildings in the Precinct for interim and permanent accommodations, as well as facilities outside the Precinct that provide supporting functions to Parliament.

RECAP addresses projects in buildings that are occupied and operational but have not yet been fully rehabilitated. These projects preserve buildings, stop or reduce ongoing deterioration, respond to urgent building repair requirements, and address health and safety issues. They are permanent interventions that ensure the ongoing viability of buildings and make future rehabilitation less complicated and costly. These investments protect both the heritage value of the buildings and their important role in current and future operations of Parliament. The recapitalization program is also responsible for the restoration and rehabilitation of the heritage Parliament Hill grounds, an important element of the LTVP vision and guiding principles.

BCC includes two elements: the delivery of building fixtures, furnishings and equipment needed for accommodations to be fully functional, and the modernization of Campus-wide communications and information technology (IT). Projects include major modifications within the two centralized data centres, as well as interconnected service applications for more than 30 buildings within the Campus. These IT projects are coordinated and integrated with LTVP construction projects as they roll out to ensure the efficient and cost-effective delivery of BCC elements.

At the core of all this work is a strong PPB team with the skills and expertise to manage multiple and complex projects concurrently. In addition, third parties specializing in areas such as project and construction management, architecture and engineering, costing, scheduling and heritage are engaged as required to ensure that projects have the right people, with the right skills, at the right time. Key partnerships with the private sector and academic institutions and relationships with international organizations doing similar work allow PPB to integrate industry-leading practices, leverage lessons learned and find innovative ways to approach the unique challenges of rehabilitating heritage buildings. In this way PPB is able to deliver projects in a timely and cost-effective way, and provide Parliament with the facilities and services it needs to operate effectively in the 21st century.

PPB's Building in Transition (BiT) business unit—within the Operations and Accommodation Sector—responds to emerging operational needs of newly completed major capital projects. This unit oversees the transition from project to operations, ensuring that it is seamless and that client needs are met throughout the lifecycle of projects.

In addition to a strong team, good governance provides the framework for effective decision-making. PPB continually looks for ways to improve integration, optimize the use of resources, strengthen the focus on performance and enhance collaboration. A new performance measurement strategy is currently being developed to build on existing measures with new and more meaningful key performance indicators. With rigorous program performance standards and the careful monitoring of results and expenditures, PPB ensures the public funds dedicated to the implementation of the LTVP are used prudently and deliver the results that Canadians expect.

Balancing the need for a safe and secure workplace for Parliamentarians and staff, while ensuring that Parliament remains open and accessible for business and visitors, is becoming more challenging. Rapidly evolving security requirements continue to influence technological, operational and infrastructure change. PPB works closely with the Parliamentary Partners and the new Parliamentary Protective Service to ensure that evolving security needs are aligned with current and future LTVP projects.

In 2017, Canada will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation and the Parliamentary Precinct will be the focus of major national celebrations. PPB is working closely with the Parliamentary Partners and other stakeholders such as Canadian Heritage, the National Capital Commission and the City of Ottawa to ensure a positive experience on the Hill for Canadians and visitors. Although projects will continue to progress, external construction activities will be scaled down to minimize their impact on the celebrations.

Progress to date

Significant progress has been made in the implementation of the LTVP with over 200 projects completed. Since 2007, 21 major construction projects have been completed on time, on budget and on scope, many of which realized substantial time and cost savings. As of fiscal year-end, $2,167.0 million has been invested in the restoration and modernization of Canada's Parliamentary Precinct, making the buildings structurally sound, more environmentally sustainable, safer and more functional for a 21st century Parliament.

This investment continues to ensure projects are delivered on time and on budget. The scope of work has included:

The following timeline highlights past, current and future project completion dates from 2006 to 2028 (Figure 5). Additional LTVP project information on completed, current and planned future projects is also provided on the illustrated map of the Precinct.

Figure 5—Milestone timeline

Year Milestones
  • Library of Parliament completion
  • Valour Building completion
  • Food Production Facility completion
  • Rideau committee rooms completion
  • Sir John A. Macdonald completion
  • Wellington Building completion
  • West Block completion
  • Visitor Welcome Centre—Phase 1 completion
  • Government Conference Centre completion
  • Centre Block completion
  • Visitor Welcome Centre—Phase 2 and 3 completion

Note: All future dates are subject to change.

Figure 6—Completed, current and future projects

Figure 6—Completed, current and future projects - See description below.
Image description of figure 6—Completed, current and future projects

This figure indicates the key LTVP projects within the Parliamentary Precinct, which are categorized as follows: completed, current priorities and future priorities. Details are provided in the accompanying text. The scale is in metres.

Long Term Vision and Plan work completed

1. Centre Block Underground Services (CBUS): Construction of an underground facility to house high-voltage electrical transformers and emergency power generators, advanced computers and communications facilities, storage space and delivery reception facilities.

2. The Peace Tower: Restoration of exterior masonry to address deterioration.

3. Library of Parliament: Full interior and exterior restoration of the heritage building and the addition of new below-grade space.

4. Food Production Facility: Relocation and construction of an off-site food production facility to provide new state of the art facilities and make room for the development of the former site.

5. The Valour Building (formerly La Promenade): Construction of offices for the interim relocation of Parliamentarians and space for three committee rooms.

6. 1 Wellington (Rideau Committee Rooms): Construction of four new committee rooms.

7. Sir John A. Macdonald Building: Construction of the permanent relocation site of the Confederation Room (Room 200) from the West Block.

Current priorities: major capital program

8. Wellington Building Renovation: Construction of offices for the interim relocation of Parliamentarians (70 Parliamentary Office Units and ten committee rooms).

9. Visitor Welcome Centre, Phase 1: Construction of improved physical security systems and space to accommodate visitors on parliamentary business, provide indoor access for material handling and provide a modern visitor facility to communicate the operations and history of the Canadian Parliament. Will be used as access to the House of Commons Chamber in West Block during the Centre Block rehabilitation.

10. West Block Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the heritage building for modern offices and committee rooms for Parliamentarians. Construction of a courtyard infill to contain the House of Commons Chamber during the rehabilitation of Centre Block.

11. Government Conference Centre: Construction of Senate Chamber and offices for the interim relocation of Senators during the Centre Block rehabilitation

Future priorities: Major capital program

12. Centre Block Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the heritage building for modern offices and committee rooms for Parliamentarians.

13. Visitor Welcome Centre Phases 2 & 3: Completion of the Visitors Welcome complex to interconnect with Phase 1 and construction of an East sector underground services structure to service material handling for Centre Block and East Block.

14. East Block Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the heritage building to install modern offices for Senators.

15. Confederation Building Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the heritage building for modern offices and committee rooms for Parliamentarians.

16. 100 Wellington Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the heritage building.

Note: All future dates are subject to change.

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