Transcript of #DiscoverPSPC

Our 2016 Public Service Renewal Results video

(View of the outside of an office building. Narrator walks over to two people waiting inside lobby.)

Hi there! You must be Luke and Nicole. Welcome to your first day at PSPC! Follow me and together, we’ll Discover Public Services and Procurement Canada!

(Title screen appears: #DiscoverPSPC - Our 2016 Public Service Renewal Results - Blueprint 2020)

See this pop-up? You’ll see many of them appear throughout our journey. Just click on them to get more information on what we’re talking about.

(Narrator points at the first pop-up leading to an infographic titled “PSPC in numbers”)

(Title screen appears: Discover our workforce)

At PSPC, we know our employees are so much more than their job descriptions.

(On screen see Luke and Nicole with their job titles. Other hobbies appear in thought bubbles.)

That’s why we make sure they have many opportunities to get engaged and contribute from their very first day.

(Employee and manager are shaking hands as opportunities appear around them in speech bubbles: Job shadowing, Human Library, Coaching Circles, Skip-level Meetings and Diversity Networks)

(Light bulb with moving gears in the background and text: “Got an idea?”)

We’re empowering our talented employees through many Dragon’s Den type initiatives taking place from coast to coast to coast.

(Computer screen/internet page visual with pictures of Dragons Dens winners, and bullhorn image with text “Employees: Share your ideas!” List of Dragons’ Den initiatives: Acquisitions Innovates, Young Minds Present, Lions’ Dens & Lobster Trap, and Case Competitions)

From these contests, many great ideas have been chosen and are now being implemented!

(Visuals display to a trophy and the word “WINNERS” below it. Screen quickly switches to display a light background with celebratory flags. Stars appear with the names of a few winning ideas: “Student Job Inventory”, “External Collaboration Tool”, “Volunteer Program for Law Students”, “Department Employee Development and Placement Form”, “Active Workstations”, “One-Stop Gov’t Procurement”, “And more!”)

Did you know that the winners of our Young Minds Present student contest are given the chance to implement their ideas?

(The four winning student appear on screen with their names: Haseena, Colin, Kumaran and Vincent. The text “Check out PSPC's Facebook page for a recording of the full event!” appears)

At PSPC we want to recruit, retain, and inspire the next generation of public servants.

(Text on screen with accompanying visuals: “University recruitment” with an image of a graduation hat, “Social media campaigns” with a word cloud of hashtags used by PSPC, “Part-time opportunities” with an image of a clock, “Bridging opportunities” with an image of a handshake, and “DM Armchair Discussion” with and image of speech bubbles.)

(The text “More information on recruitment at PSPC!” appears along with the second pop-up linking to a web page on recruitment at PSPC.)

Our students and new employees can engage with Senior Management through many orientation events taking place across the country.

(Pictures from Meet Senior Leaders Event & DM Armchair Discussion.)

Our student hiring strategy guides our efforts in the development of tools, and planning of events and activities for young public servants.

(The following text appears on screen: “In 2016: 1050 students hired, 66 bridgings, 35 events and activities organised by our Young Professionals Network)

Check out our Student Onboarding package to learn more about how we help our managers orient their students.

(The third pop-up appears linking to a PDF document on PSPC’s student on-boarding package)

We also strive to provide ways to learn, improve performance and give and receive feedback.

(Images of Books, a Performance graphic, and communication bubble and thumbs up appear on screen)

Our new Departmental Job Shadowing program and Upward Feedback initiative allow us to share, learn from each other, and improve our performance.

(Text appears on screen: “Job Shadowing & Upward Feedback: Knowledge Transfer & Making best use of available talent!”)

These are just a few examples among many others.

(Words appear on screen: “Executive Storytelling, Take Me With You, Human Library, Speed Networking.”)

(The fourth pop-up leading to a Prezi presentation on Talent Management and Knowledge Transfer at PSPC appears along with the text: “Find out more about Knowledge Transfer and Talent Management at PSPC!”)

Our efforts to improve our culture are supported by a strong commitment to mental health and workplace well-being.

(Well-being word cloud in the shape of a flower appears)

To strengthen this commitment, our Deputy Ministers and unions have signed a new vision statement.

(The following text appears on screen: “…create a culture that enshrines psychological health, safety and well-being in all aspects of the workplace through collaboration, inclusivity and respect…” Signed by the Deputy Minister, Associate Deputy Minister and union representatives.)

To help our commitment grow, we put in place a new Workplace Well-Being directorate!

(Bullhorn with the word “NEW!” appears along with “Workplace Well-Being Directorate”)

It’s a one-stop-shop for employees to access all our well-being resources, including workshops…

(The fifth pop-up leading to a PDF on Mental Health appears.)

(Puzzle pieces appear to form the Workplace Well-Being Directorate. Each piece has the name of a service on it: “Disability Management Program”, “Employee and Organization Assistance Program”, “Values and Ethics”, “Office of Workplace Conflict Management” and “Duty to Accommodate”)

… and is in charge of making sure we progress on our mental health objectives!

(Words “Mental health objectives progress” appear on screen along with a graph and checkmark demonstrating progress.)

We also engage our employees through events, weekly newsletter articles and special celebrations to promote diversity and workplace well-being.

(Photos of PSPC employees at events appear on screen.)

Our Diversity Networks are at the heart of these events. They help create an open and supportive workplace culture.

(Names of our Diversity Networks appear on screen: “Vanguard: PSPC’S Young Professionals Network”, “Visible Minorities Network”, “Managers’ Community Network”, “Network for Aboriginal Peoples”, “Network for Persons with Disabilities”, and “PRIDE Network”)

There’s also a wide-variety of grassroots initiatives taking place all around us to provide opportunities for employees and to improve mental health in the workplace.

(Canada map visual with small flags that appear all over the map.)

(Sixth pop-up appears linking to a Prezi presentation titled “PSPC Takes Flight”)

(Title screen: Discover our workplace)

(Man working in a cubicle. Woman walks over to talk to him.)

The modern work environment is more than just a place to sit every day.

(Gears and light bulbs on screen to illustrate creativity and innovation.)

It’s a place that stimulates creativity, innovation and creates a sense of community.

(Seventh pop-up appears leading to a video on the Heritage Conservation Services)

(Employees celebrating and shaking hands in a boardroom.)

A place that helps employees work better together.

(Employees sitting in boardroom while employee on TV screen (remote) speaks.)

As a start, ALL PSPC employees are equipped with personal laptops and webcams so they can use WebEX to work and collaborate easily from any of our offices.

(Laptop appears on a desk. Employee on screen waves and a light bulb appears signaling he has an idea.

Cuts to employee in an office looking at a computer and giving the thumbs up.)

We want to make our physical environment as inspiring as possible, not only for our employees but for other departments as well!

(Eighth pop-up appears linking to an infographic on 100 days of workplace solutions)

(A quote appears on screen: “I had anticipated challenges in the transition to Workplace 2.0, but because of the quality of the design and the fact that the collaborative space fits with how we work, the decision to embrace change had fantastic results.”)

For us, moving to Workplace 2.0 has come with challenges.

(Camera pans over an open concept office.)

Beyond physical space, it represents a shift in how we work, with improved technology and a flexible culture.

(Image of an open office floor plan appears, followed by pictures of workplace 2.0 areas: kitchens, boardrooms and cubicles.)

(Animation of Luke and Nicole speaking on the phone. Nicole is working remotely.)

To support new ways of working, we’re striving to increase the number of employees with formal telework agreements in place.

(Employee walk on screen. Sees the word “telework” with upwards arrow)

We’re working through many challenges…

(Hurdles appear and employee jumps over them to reach the word “telework”. Hurdle are labeled: “Policies”, “Bandwidth” and “Culture”)

…so employees can have more flexibility in where and how they work.

(Employee working in a home office)

We’re not there yet, and sometimes things move slower than we’d like, but we’ve made progress!

(Words appear on screen: “reduced internet traffic impact”, “increased network capacity by 50%” and “doubled simultaneous telework capacity”)

To help measure our progress, a new telework self-serve function is now available in My GCHR!

(Internet browser showing the telework self-serve function of My GCHR appears on screen. Speech bubbles appear with the following text: “Enter your telework schedule here!”, “We’ll have more telework data!” and “Available GC-wide!”)

A modern workplace also means that employees have the tools they need to do their jobs.

(Words appear on screen: “Timeline Tool”, “WebEX”, “Instant Messaging”, “GCDOCS”, “My GCHR” and “GCTools”)

Our Timeline Tool helps employees navigate our many modernization and transformation initiatives. It was launched in 2015 and was expanded in 2016 to include the BP2020 initiatives and an easy to use reporting function.

(A computer screen appears and shows the Timeline Tool. Ninth pop-up appears linking to a Prezi presentation on the Timeline Tool.)

GCDOCS is a tool we implemented over a year ago, to better collaborate, share and organize our documents.

(“GCDOCS” title appears, followed by two employee quotes: “Being able to work collaboratively with my team from anywhere! #MyStory #GCDOCS #EPMO #GC2020 #DiscoverPSPC” and “I decided to test a new way for my team to use GCDOCS. Sure, it took me a while to figure it all out, but it worked. Now we use GCDOCS and everyone’s life is much easier; just one example of how new technology can help.”)

We’ve noticed that employees needed more resources and training in order to make full use of GCDOCS so we’ve taken action!

(Text appears on screen: “6000+ users trained, Training and “Hints and tips” videos, One-on-one training for EX-02s and above, and more!”)

We also provide many of these tools to our clients to contribute in modernizing the GC as a whole!

(Text appears on screen: “GCDOCS: 87,727 licences, My GCHR: 40 departments with over 55,000 FTEs, Shared Travel Services: 420,000 users, and more!”)

(Title screen: Discover how we serve Canadians)

We are a service organization.

(Three employees (an office worker, a construction worker, and a call centre employee) are in centre screen with the words “Serving Government, Serving Canadians” on a banner at the bottom of the screen.)

So when we innovate in serving our clients, we’re helping them better serve Canadians.

(PSPC call centre employee answers a call from a client and asks “PSPC, how can I help you today?” Client hangs up happy, and calls an elderly Canadian to deliver a service.)

Innovation is about finding new and better ways of doing things.

(Employees trying to find solutions in an open office.)

We’re developing and testing an Innovation Lab concept to help improve our service delivery. This will be a departmental toolkit rather than a physical lab.

(Text appears on screen: “Service-Focused Innovation Lab: Toolkit! Not a physical space, Tested with 3 projects, Methodologies: Design-Thinking, LEAN, Rapid Results, and more!”)

The Translation Bureau also launched their own Innovation Lab as a place for collaboration and reflection, where employees can brainstorm and imagine new concepts.

(Picture of the Translation Bureau Innovation Lab and pictures of employees using the lab.)

(Text appears on screen: “Partnership with PSPC Service Lab and PCO Innovation Hub! Testing new language technologies!”)

In addition, we’re encouraging smart risk-taking through Rapid Results pilots. This 100 day methodology allows us to test ambitious objectives, fail faster, course-correct and succeed sooner!

(Text appears on screen: “Engaging with Canadians!” Luke pointing to various locations on the map of Canada. Client walks into view.)

We also engage directly with Canadians, often in colaboration wit our clients from coast to coast to coast.

(Tenth pop-up appears linking to a Prezi presentation titled “Discover how we serve Canadians”)

From collaborating with communities and First Nations on major environmental remediation projects…

(Trees appear on screen.)

…to providing opportunities to innovative Canadian businesses…

(Trees disappear and are replaced by the words “Build in Canada Innovation Program”)

…we have many initiatives on the go that have an impact on Canadians!

(Maple leaf appears on screen)

We’re also breaking down silos between departments!

(Text appears on screen: “Serving Government together!”)

Our Procurement Modernization Integration team reports to both TBS and PSPC.

(Text appears on screen: “Proc. Mod. Team” with arrows point towards the words “Treasury Board Secretariat” and “PSPC”)

They’re developing a work plan for modernizing procurement across the Government.

(“Ambitious, comprehensive, integrated way-forward for GC procurement!”)

(Title screen: Discover what we’ve learned)

We work hard to be successful. Sometimes we’re right on target.

(Arrows fly through the air and hit a target right in the middle.)

Other times, we might miss the mark.

(Employees discussing and thinking.)

But we know the most important thing is to learn from the challenges we face so we can improve for next time.

(Employee making a presentation to a team and saying “Here’s what we should keep in mind for next time…”)

(Words on screen “Lesson 1: Take the pulse” accompanied by a pulse icon.)

In February, we launched a Pulse Check Survey to help us measure progress on key areas since the 2014 Public Service Employee Survey.

(The words “2014 PSES appear on screen” with two employees talking and one asks the other “Are our efforts making a difference?”)

(Tenth pop-up linking to a PDF on the PSES and Pulse Check)

Based on the results, we provided branches with tailored proposals to identify where they can best focus their efforts.

(The words “tailored action plans” and “areas of focus for 2016” appear on screen)

(The words “What are our best practices?” appear on screen)

We’ve learned we need to check in with employees more often and we need to help frontline managers have the time, confidence and ability to use our current tools and services.

(The following words appear on screen: ““#1 We need to know if our efforts are having an impact!” (accompanied by a chart showing improving trends) and “#2 We need to enable our managers!” (accompanied by the visual of an organizational chart))

This fall, we launched round two of our Pulse Check Survey and are eager to see the results.

(Computer screen with the words “Time for Pulse Check Round 2!” 3 smiley faces appear: happy, neutral, and sad.)

(Text appears on screen: Lesson 2: Manage change)

When we implemented Phoenix, as with any major IT system, we expected challenges.

(Text appears on screen: 80,000 pay rules built into Phoenix, Collective agreements, Legislation.)

Despite all the planning and preparation, the volume of issues quickly outstripped our capacity to respond.

(3 employees working. One is holding multiple phones, one is working at her laptop as piles of papers grow, and one is going through documents with a colleague.)

We have and will continue to learn a lot from this experience, and more than anything, we’ve confirmed that our employees are our strength.

(Words “flexible, dedicated, capable, high-performing, innovative” appear around a group of employees.)

Since the launch, they’ve offered innovative ideas that have led to concrete solutions for the systems and processes. And they’ve done this while working under a lot of pressure and changing priorities.

(Text appears on screen: Employee ideas à concrete solutions!

The challenges we’ve faced have also highlighted the benefits of collaboration.

(Call centre with group of volunteers walk in, welcomed by employee. “Thanks for offering to help out!”)

Our response plan involves branches across PSPC and other government departments.

(The words “Collaboration between PSPC branches and regions, as well as other departments!” appear on screen)

We meet daily to identify issues and address them in a timely fashion.

(Visual of employees meeting in a large boardroom.)

Several departments have even loaned staff and facilities.

(Two bubble appear: one containing an office building, another containing people.)

Working together has allowed us to dramatically reduce the backlog cases. We’re not there yet, but we are fully committed to getting there.

(“Resolved Backlog Cases” with graphic demonstrating progress:

As a department with 15 major transformations, we’ve learned that change management goes hand in hand with project management.

(Names of transformations appear on screen: “Procure to Pay (P2P)”, “Single Integrated Access to PSPC Internal Services”, “RP-1 / RP-n”, “Acquisitions Program Transformation”, “CIOB Standardized Service Desk”, “Shared Case Management”, “Email Transformation”, “Imaging Centre of Expertise for Government”, “New Direction in Staffing”, “Defense Procurement Strategy”, “and more!”)

When we meet project deadlines, we must incorporate change management to support the overall success of our initiatives.

(Twelfth pop-up leading to a PDF on Change Management at PSPC appears on screen)

(The words “Project Management” and “Change management” appear on screen with a handshake visual. “Manage change through all phases of a project!”)

More than ever, we’re committed to put a consistent, departmental approach in place.

(A speech bubble appears: “Change Management Training National Master Standing Offer also available for other departments to use!”)

(Text appears on screen: Lesson 3: We’re Not There Yet)

Although we’ve made a lot of progress when it comes to living, owning and sharing Blueprint 2020, there are still things preventing us from fully living the vision.

(Words “Live it. Own it. Share it. Blueprint 2020 @ PSPC” appear on screen with image showing connections between people, collaboration, technology, and performance appears on screen.)

Many employees feel that workload pressures make it a challenge.

(Words appear on screen “What’s preventing us from living the vision? Workload, Technology, and Culture”)

We also know that issues with technology prevent us from being as collaborative, innovative and flexible as we could be.

Culture is also a challenge. We’ve done a lot of work around our client service culture but we know that more can be done to improve the day-to-day work lives of our employees.

(Thirteenth pop-up appears linking to an infographic on Culture at PSPC)

Finally, employees need to own it.

(Narrator talking and people joining her on screen to “own it”.)

Blueprint 2020 is also about individual responsibility. Senior management has demonstrated their support and all of us have a responsibility to get engaged and make positive changes in our own workplaces.

(Title screen: Discover Everyday Excellence)

(Narrator speaking on screen.)

Blueprint 2020 is about our people, and so is this report.

So, like last year, we shared our early drafts, posted progress on GCpedia, and collected comments throughout!

(Text appears on screen: “Report Best Practices: Involve employees from the start, Share progress often, and Ask for feedback”)

(Three employee quotes appear: “This is a great format to share the information, especially allowing each viewer to dig deeper into the subjects that are of specific interest to them.”, “Congratulations for this great project. I would like to thank you; I am a very auditory person and this video meets my needs in a better way!”, “I like it. Nice visuals, easy to follow. Simple, straightforward. Good work.”)

We asked employees how they’re living the Blueprint 2020 vision and what public service renewal means to them, and we heard some really great stories!

(Text appears on screen “Employee shared their stories on Twitter, GCconnex and Instagram! #DiscoverPSPC”)

(Fourteenth pop-up appears linking to the Discover everyday excellence web page)

(Luke appears on screen and asks “How can I contribute?”)

We also wanted to give employees the chance to get involved in a more meaningful way so we built an Ambassador’s network of working-level employees!

(Two employee quotes appear on screen: “Thank you again for the great… communications over the past weeks, I’m so proud to be an Ambassador!” and “I want to help bring real change and build the public service of the future… this opportunity can help [me do that]!”)

(Back to Narrator, Luke and Nicole in an office kitchen. Narrator speaks.)

That’s it for now!I hope you enjoyed our journey, and that you learned something new about PSPC! As you can see, we’re proud of the work we do.

(Words “Proud of the work we do” appear on screen)

Proud to be serving government, and serving Canadians.

(Words “Proud to serve Canadians” appear on screen)

Proud to be part of the public service renewal movement.

(Words “Proud to renew the public service” appear on screen)

We are PSPC.

(All the people who have appeared in the video are onscreen and say “We are PSPC”)

(End of video.)