Section V: Spending and human resources—2017 to 2018 Departmental Plan

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This section presents an overview of Public Services and Procurement Canada's (PSPC) planned spending and human resources for the next three consecutive fiscal years, starting with 2017 to 2018. Planned spending is also compared with the current and previous years' actual spending.

Planned spending

Departmental spending trend graph

Departmental spending trend graph - Text version below the graph
Text version

This bar graph illustrates the spending trend for Public Services and Procurement Canada for fiscal years 2014 to 2015, 2015 to 2016, 2016 to 2017, 2017 to 2018, 2018 to 2019 and 2019 to 2020. Financial figures are presented in millions of dollars along the y-axis (vertical), starting at $0, ending at $4 billion and increasing by $500 million. These are graphed against fiscal years 2014 to 2015 to 2019 to 2020 on the x-axis (horizontal).

There are three items identified for each fiscal year: anticipated sunset programs, statutory spending and voted spending.

In 2014 to 2015, actual spending was $0 for anticipated sunset programs, $128 million for statutory items and $2,639 million for voted items.

In 2015 to 2016, actual spending was $0 for anticipated sunset programs, $91 million for statutory items and $2,742 million for voted items.

In 2016 to 2017, forecast spending is $0 for anticipated sunset programs, $121 million for statutory items and $3,299 for voted items.

In 2017 to 2018, planned spending is $3 million for anticipated sunset programs, $108 million for statutory items and $3,586 million for voted items.

In 2018 to 2019, planned spending is $114 million for anticipated sunset programs, $108 million for statutory items and $2,904 million for voted items.

In 2019 to 2020, planned spending is $23 million for anticipated sunset programs, $108 million for statutory items and $2,758 for voted items.

Total spending for 2014 to 2015 was $2,767 million; for 2015 to 2016 was $2,833 million; and the total forecast spending for 2016 to 2017 is $3,420 million. The total planned spending for 2017 to 2018 is $3,697 million; for 2018 to 2019 is $3,126 million; and for 2019 to 2020 is $2,889 million.

Narrative: Departmental spending trend graph

The departmental spending trend graph presents trends in the department's planned and actual spending over time. The data represents actual spending for fiscal year 2014 to 2015 to fiscal year 2015 to 2016, forecast spending for fiscal year 2016 to 2017 and planned spending for fiscal year 2017 to 2018 to fiscal year 2019 to 2020. The data is broken down between sunset programs: anticipated, statutory and voted expenditures to demonstrate the impact of the anticipated renewal of sunset funding over the three-year planning period.

The variances to the sunset programs shown in the graph above are the result of:

Totals may not add up due to rounding.

Budgetary planning summary for programs and internal services (in dollars)
Programs and internal services 2014 to 2015 expenditures 2015 to 2016 expenditures 2016 to 2017 forecast spending 2017 to 2018 Main Estimates 2017 to 2018 planned spending 2018 to 2019 planned spending 2019 to 2020 planned spending
Acquisitions 144,689,521 151,557,532 150,910,497 153,731,765 153,731,765 114,121,744 114,337,355
Accommodation management and real property services 2,032,720,121 2,112,305,111 2,597,779,524 2,994,281,729 2,994,281,729 2,380,190,423 2,234,497,300
Receiver General for Canada 116,448,841 109,908,581 122,831,240 128,471,892 128,471,892 106,537,458 106,521,313
Integrity programs and services 22,035,911 20,273,364 21,475,704 18,651,926 18,651,926 15,189,099 15,189,099
Federal pay and pension administration 115,698,499 128,954,893 156,729,638 80,895,164 80,895,164 77,426,283 77,514,154
Linguistic management and services 57,727,343 51,299,267 67,167,738 64,762,500 64,762,500 65,106,226 64,033,141
Specialized programs and services 47,133,036 24,537,710 33,048,888 27,562,369 27,562,369 27,700,366 27,769,860
Procurement Ombudsman 3,889,948 3,830,009 4,172,565 4,080,925 4,080,925 4,080,925 4,080,925
Subtotal 2,540,343,220 2,602,666,467 3,154,115,793 3,472,438,270 3,472,438,270 2,790,352,524 2,643,943,147
Internal services subtotal 226,820,291 230,649,243 265,672,681 221,643,915 221,643,915 221,602,215 221,611,043
Total 2,767,163,511 2,833,315,710 3,419,788,474 3,694,082,185 3,694,082,185 3,011,954,739 2,865,554,190

Narrative: Budgetary planning summary for programs and internal services

As part of the Departmental Plan, PSPC is informing Canadians on how the department expects to effectively deliver on its programs and services in order to fulfill the government's priorities.

The variances observed over the planning period are explained as follows:

Planned human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
Programs and internal services 2014 to 2015 FTEs 2015 to 2016 FTEs 2016 to 2017 forecast FTEs 2017 to 2018 planned FTEs 2018 to 2019 planned FTEs 2019 to 2020 planned FTEs
Acquisitions 1,694 1,712.34 1,491.05 1,551 1,542 1,542
Accommodation management and real property services 3,409.8 3,410.4 3,577.04 3,509.28 3,100.44 3,040.44
Receiver General for Canada 328 319 289.04 307 307 307
Integrity programs and services 363.58 354 368.40 398 382 382
Federal pay and pension administration 1,607 1,773 1,559.08 2,022 2,022 2,022
Linguistic management and services 1,263.77 1,197 1,124.65 1,114.85 to be determinedFootnote 1 to be determinedFootnote 1
Specialized programs and services 481 479.65 572.91 609 620 622
Procurement Ombudsman 25.02 25.14 26.50 23.03 23.03 23.03
Subtotal 9,172.17 9,270.53 9,008.67 9,534.16 to be determinedFootnote 2 to be determinedFootnote 2
Internal services subtotal 2,469.33 2,474.62 2,700.4 2,801.63 2,810.43 2,811.83
Total 11,641.5 11,745.15 11,709.07 12,335.79 to be determinedFootnote 2 to be determinedFootnote 2

Narrative: Planned human resources (full-time equivalents)

The variation in PSPC's planned FTEs is mainly due to:

Estimates by vote

For information on PSPC's organizational appropriations, consult the 2017 to 2018 main estimates.

Future-oriented condensed statement of operations

The future-oriented condensed statement of operations provides a general overview of Public Services and Procurement Canada's operations. The forecast of financial information on expenses and revenues is prepared on an accrual accounting basis to strengthen accountability and to improve transparency and financial management.

Because the future-oriented condensed statement of operations is prepared on an accrual accounting basis, and the forecast and planned spending amounts presented in other sections of the Departmental Plan are prepared on an expenditure basis, amounts may differ.

A more detailed future-oriented statement of operations and associated notes, including a reconciliation of the net costs of operations to the requested authorities, are available in the 2017 to 2018 Consolidated Future-Oriented Statement of Operations.

Future-oriented condensed statement of operations for the year ended March 31, 2018 (in dollars)
Financial information 2016 to 2017 forecast results 2017 to 2018 planned results Difference (2017 to 2018 planned results minus 2016 to 2017 forecast results)
Total expenses 6,327,748,406 6,667,425,130 339,676,724
Total revenues 3,143,312,487 3,163,492,698 20,180,211
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers 3,184,435,919 3,503,932,432 319,496,513

Narrative: Future-oriented condensed statement of operations for the year ended March 31, 2018

The net cost of operations is forecasted to increase by $319.5 million in 2017 to 2018 to $3,503.9 million which is mainly the result of the forecasted increase in total expenses in 2017 to 2018, when compared to 2016 to 2017. This increase is mainly attributed to:

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