Service standards overview—Our Services, Standards and Results 2017 to 2018

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In 2016 to 2017, we achieved or surpassed 48 of 66 targets. These results demonstrate our sustained commitment to meeting our clients' expectations and supporting the delivery of their services to Canadians. Where there are shortcomings, we continue to work to improve our performance.

We have revised our standards for 2017 to 2018, to focus more on those which are relevant to clients and better reflect major client satisfaction determinants such as timeliness, ease of access and accuracy / quality.

The following table indicates the number of service standards that were in place for each of Public Services and Procurement Canada’s (PSPC) five service categories, and the number of service standards that met or surpassed the target. The table also shows the number of service standards that are in place in 2017 to 2018 for each of PSPC's five service categories.

Service category 2016 to 2017:
Number of service standards
Number of service standards
that met or surpassed the target
2017 to 2018:
Number of service standards
Buying and selling 12 8 12
Payments and pensions 13 8 11
Property and buildings 8 5 6
Security, corporate and information services 21 17 22
Translation, terminology and interpretation 12 10 9
Total 66 48 60

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