Property and buildings—Our Services, Standards and Results 2017 to 2018

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The following tables on service standards and targets for the "Property and buildings" service category show service targets for 2016 to 2017 and 2017 to 2018 for: office accommodation services; professional and technical services; and client relationship management. The tables also include results for 2016 to 2017.

Office accommodation services

Service standard Target 2016 to 2017 Results 2016 to 2017 Target 2017 to 2018
Ensure Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) real property portfolio of facilities remains operational during normal business hours as defined as 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday 99% 99% 99%
Satisfaction rating for service calls reported through the National Service Call Centre (NSCC) 90% 88% 90%

Professional and technical services

Deliver projects over $1M on time, on scope, and on budget in accordance with the National Project Management System principles and agreed upon changes with clients.

Service standard Target 2016 to 2017 Results 2016 to 2017 Target 2017 to 2018
On time 95% 96% 95%
On scope 95% 97% 95%
On budget 95% 97% 95%

Client relationship management

Service standard Target 2016 to 2017 Results 2016 to 2017 Target 2017 to 2018
Provide regular progress reports to client departments and address any potential issues 100% 100% 100%
Acknowledge clients' inquiries within 1 business day – Deleted 100% Not available Not applicable
Respond to clients' inquiries within 3 business days – Deleted 100% Not available Not applicable

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