Parks Canada - Corporate Plan 2001/02 - 2005/06

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The Parks Canada Charter

Executive Summary

Parks Canada Agency Profile

Environmental Scan

Objectives, Strategies and Expectations

Financial Information

Appendix 1:
Summary of Parks Canada Plan for

Appendix 2:
Sustainable Development Strategy

Appendix 3:
Environmental Impact Assessment

Appendix 4:
Glossary of Terms

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Picture of Fort Anne



On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

For an update of the following table, see the Summary of Parks Canada Corporate Plan update for 2002-2007.

Summary of Parks Canada Corporate Plan: 2001-2002 to 2005-2006.

Business Line #1, Business Line #2, Business Line #3

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Business Line

Business Line #1: Stewardship of National Heritage Places

Key Result

The establishment, protection and presentation of places that are of natural and cultural heritage significance

SERVICE LINE: 1: Establishment of National Heritage Places 2: Heritage Resource Protection 3: Heritage Protection
Strategic Objectives To work toward completing the systems of national parks and national marine conservation areas in representing all of Canada's terrestrial and marine regions and to enhance the system of national historic sites which commemorates Canada's history. As the first priority, to ensure the ecological integrity of national parks, the commemorative integrity of national historic sites and the sustainability of national marine conservation areas. Ensure that commemorative and ecological integrity values are understood and supported by Parks Canada's stakeholders and the public.
Planned Results Creation of new national parks and new national marine conservation areas in unrepresented regions and completion of unfinished parks.

Designation and commemoration of new national historic sites, persons and events of national historic significance, particularly in under-represented priority areas.
Maintain or restore ecological integrity of national parks and the sustainability of national marine conservation areas

Maintain or improve commemorative integrity of national historic sites.
Increased awareness, understanding of and support for the values of national parks and national historic sites.
Key Activities • Complete feasibility studies and negotiations to represent two new terrestrial regions and one new marine region based on the availability of funding.

• Make progress towards the completion of land assembly in unfinished parks.

• Consult and provide research support from 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 to identify and designate 135 new sites, persons and events of which 55 will commemorate Aboriginal, women's and ethno-cultural communities' history.
Continue to implement the recommendations from the Minister's Panel on Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks with a focus on:
-strengthening and integrating science and monitoring into decision making
-specific actions in support of ecological integrity

• Develop Commemorative Integrity Statements for 90% of national historic sites administered by Parks Canada by 2002-2003 and 100% by 2003-2004.

• Obtain ministerial approval of management plans for 145 national historic sites by December 2003.

• Evaluate the commemorative integrity of 14 sites before the end of March 2002 and 15 sites in 2003 and 2004.
• Develop and implement the integrated heritage communication strategy Engaging Canadians for: Agency (Corporate) Communications
- inform target audiences of Parks Canada's systems, mandate and issues
- influence expectations and perceptions of Parks Canada

Education Communications
- educate audiences about values and benefits of heritage places/systems; create a sense of Canadian identity
- connect Canadians with one another and to their heritage through knowledge and understanding of national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas
- influence perceptions of and build support for heritage conservation
- encourage audiences to take action locally and nationally

• Implement Renewal of Heritage Presentation Programming Action Plan as funding becomes available.
Performance Expectations • Sign agreements to establish two new national parks based on the availability of funding.

• Continue negotiations to establish one new marine region.

• 135 new designations by March 2006 of which 55 will be in priority areas.
• Improve the suite of ecological integrity indicators by March 2003.

• Update reporting framework and expand monitoring system by March 2004.

• Evaluate all 145 national historic sites it administers by 2011, with 14 new evaluations conducted yearly.
• Performance framework for Engaging Canadians to be developed by March 2002.

• Utilization and understanding targets to be developed in 2001-2002.

• Satisfaction targets of Heritage Presentation products and services: 85% overall satisfied, 50% very satisfied 2002.
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Business Line

Business Line #2: Use and Enjoyment by Canadians

Key Result

Canadians use and enjoy national heritage places while supporting and participating in the conservation of Canada's heritage

SERVICE LINE: 4: Visitor Services 5: Townsites 6: Through Highways
Strategic Objectives To provide visitors with services to enable them to safely enjoy and appreciate heritage places, while ensuring that the associated levels of impact on resources are minimized. Park communities are effectively governed and efficiently administered as models of sustainability. To maintain reliable, safe through-transit that minimizes ecological impact.
Planned Results Visitor expectations and use are managed to ensure visitor satisfaction and minimize impacts on natural and cultural resources. Park communities have sound management practices and are leaders in environmental stewardship. Highways remain open to through traffic and interventions are designed to minimize ecological impact.
Key Activities • Develop and implement the Engaging Canadians strategy for Program Service Communications:
- inform target audiences about the scope of systems, heritage experiences, requirements for conservation
- influence current and potential visitors' expectations, perceptions and behaviours
- encourage participation in heritage experiences by new and existing audiences
- foster sensitive, sustainable and safe use by visitors and travel trade

• Develop strategies to influence the expectations, behaviours and satisfaction of those who use and market national protected heritage places to ensure that type, level and timing of use reflect the capacity of ecosystems.

• Develop a targeted plan to help implement the Government Service Improvement Initiative.

• Develop approaches to deliver visitor services electronically.

• Prevent public safety incidents through public safety plans and co-operative initiatives with partners.
• Develop no net negative environmental impact frameworks (3NEI), reporting tools and action plans for each townsite.

• Implement land rent review decisions options.

• Develop new regulations and amend existing regulations to more effectively manage development and land use in national park communities.
• Apply funding received to priority health and safety concerns on through highways.

• Maintain highways passing through national parks/national historic sites and develop a long-term financial strategy for recapitalization.
Performance Expectations • Visitor service satisfaction targets: 85% overall satisfied, 50% very satisfied 2002.

• Expand visitor impact indicators by March 2004.

• Establish public safety framework by March 2002.
• Approved plan for Jasper by March 2002.

• Report on environmental performance by March 2002.

• 100% cost recovery for municipal services.
• Highways open to through traffic.

• Ecological reporting framework by March 2003.
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Business Line

Business Line #3: Corporate Services

Key Result

Parks Canada's strong leadership, both directly and indirectly, in effectively and efficiently managing its resources to protect and present heritage places.

SERVICE LINE: 7: Management of Parks Canada 8: People Management


Strategic Objectives To maintain or improve management integrity, particularly focussing on effective decision making and results-based management. To manage Human Resources so that a qualified Parks Canada workforce, representative of the Canadian population, works in a positive and enabling environment.


Planned Results Improved management frameworks to ensure effective decision making and accountability.

Enhanced participation of Aboriginal peoples in Canada's heritage places.
Improved work environment, workplace renewal and representativeness.


Key Activities • Implement performance information action plan.

• Develop and implement a national information management system.

• Apply funding received for asset improvement to address health and safety issues and ensure protection of cultural resources and greening of Parks Canada operations.

• Implement an asset management framework to support the effective and efficient management of the asset portfolio.

• Enhance community relations with Aboriginal peoples.

• Increase Aboriginal interpretive programming at parks and sites.

• Improve economic partnerships with Aboriginal Peoples.

• Enhance Aboriginal employment.

• Undertake national historic sites system initiatives related to Aboriginal Peoples.
• Implement workforce renewal including critical succession needs.

• Implement the people management components of the Agency's accountability framework focussing on an integrated compensation framework, a classification system and collective bargaining.

• Advance employment equity and diversity commitments with emphasis on visible minorities and persons with disabilities.


Performance Expectations • Complete Modern Comptrollership capacity check and action plan by June 2002.

• Performance indicators and information systems for reporting for all planned results by March 2005.

Targets to be determined.
• Key performance measurement indicators by March 2004.

• Workforce representative of both official language groups.

• Workforce representative of employment equity groups.


For an update of this table, see the Summary of Parks Canada Corporate Plan update for 2002-2007.

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Last Updated: 2002-08-23 Top of the page Important Notices