Message from the Deputy Minister and the Associate Deputy Minister

WE ARE PLEASED to present PWGSC @ Your Service: Our Services, Standards and Results 2012-2013, our second annual edition dedicated to services, standards and results.

Last year, we made a promise to clients:

  • to report on how we did against our 2011-2012 service commitments;
  • to improve our current service standards and ensure they meet client expectations; and
  • to develop new standards for more of our service offerings.

We are proud to report that we have met over 80% of our service standard targets from last year and in many cases exceeded them. Where we have fallen short, service improvement measures are in place. We have raised the targets for almost half of our standards and developed new standards for other services.

In this issue, you will find:

  • PWGSC's main service offerings, including a number of innovative and specialized services;
  • 2011-2012 targets for each service area and our results;
  • Revised service standards and targets for 2012-2013; and
  • Service channels to access our key services.

Service standards are not just numbers to us. They define our accountability and underscore the importance of maintaining clear communication, understanding our clients' expectations and strengthening our business relationships. At the same time, service standards are not static, as our services and the means of delivering them are continually evolving – as are the needs of our clients.

New and emerging technologies are creating unprecedented opportunities for service improvement, collaboration and efficiencies. Our department will continue to innovate and invest in all of its service areas. We will take advantage of these opportunities in a way that complements and adds value to the changing service priorities, resources and demands of our clients during this time of budget constraints.

PWGSC's service transformation is our response to this changing environment. This e-publication is an example of this transformation, meant to better accommodate our clients and to support the greening of government operations.

We thank you for your continued partnership and look forward to working with you as we fulfill our ongoing mission to offer high-quality services that meet your needs and ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians.

Note: This was published in September 2012 when François Guimont was the Deputy Minister and Andrew Treusch the Associate Deputy Minister.