Booking spaces at National Library and Public Archives, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa

The Events and Conference Management (ECM) team of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is committed to providing clients with the full range of professional support to ensure that events are a success.

In this section, you will find information on common client inquiries, as well as reservation instructions.

Availability of Events and Conference Management Services

Services from the ECM team at the National Library and Public Archives (NLPA) located at 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, are available to all federal government departments, Crown corporations and non-government community organizations wishing to use these spaces for their regular business.

The main lobby, auditorium, adjacent foyer and boardrooms (Room 154 and 156) will remain available to non-government users who have obtained departmental support of their request for the use of these facilities. It should be noted that Exhibition Rooms A, B and C are not available for use at this time.

Priority of Use

Access to this ECM facility is on a first–come, first-served basis.

Hours of Operation

The normal hours of operation for all ECM services are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Clients wishing to continue their event beyond these hours are required to notify the Event Coordination Office in advance. Individual rooms may be locked to secure conference material at the client's request.


In 2012, National Library and Public Archives returned the management of the auditorium, its foyer, rooms 154, 156 and the main lobby of the NLPA to the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). PWGSC now provides space, event coordination, as well as logistical support and services in line with those already offered in other government conference facilities in the National Capital Region.

Although the space was previously available to non-government community organizations at no cost, this approach is not sustainable for the Government of Canada and Canadian taxpayers. To ensure best value for Canadian taxpayers, the federal government moved to recover full costs incurred for disbursements and to recover for rental of space at a market based rate.

This is also in accordance with the Government of Canada’s policy on management on real property.

Recognizing the challenges this approach might represent for not-for-profit and community organizations, PWGSC is phasing in the recovering of room rental costs from these organizations. As a result, PWGSC announced that rent would be waived for calendar year 2012 and then phased over 4 years, starting in January 2013.

Accordingly, as of January 2013, the room rental rates are set at 25% of the market rate and has increased to 50% on January 1st, 2014, will increase to 75% on January 1st, 2015 and 100% on January 1st, 2016.

Technical services and equipment, building services and outsource services that may be required, as well as any overtime expenditures that may be incurred, is being charged to the users at the full rate.

Please note, a 15% administration fee and HST will be applied to room rentals as well as the additional services mentioned above.


The following are the discounted per diem rental fees for calendar year 2013, that apply to the not-for-profit and community organizations:

  2012 2013 (25%) 2014 (50%) 2015 (75%) 2016 (100%)
Auditorium No charge $162.50 $325.00 $487.50 $650.00
Room 156 No charge $75.00 $150.00 $225.00 $300.00
Room 154 No charge $25.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00

Detailed estimates for individual events can be obtained by contacting the Event Coordination Office at 613-990-6700.

Departmental Support Process and Template

Non-government organizations wishing to reserve ground floor space can send this template letter to the Event Coordination Office for consideration, who will then finalize the organization’s booking.


The ECM group has been assisting clients with the planning and coordination of events and conferences for over 40 years. ECM has hosted numerous federal/provincial, national/international and protocol events and conferences.