Transcript for "Benefits and facts that may surprise you about Direct Deposit" motion graphic
Start of clip.
Are you still part of the minority of Canadians receiving payments from the government by cheque? [On screen, a graphic animation shows an envelope floating down through a residential area by houses entering a mailbox and coming back out as a cheque. A barking dog can also be seen]. If so, you're missing out on a service that can simplify your life. [The cheque's image fades to the words "Simplify your life" which appear on a green screen].
Direct deposit ensures your payment will be deposited in your bank account on time, [The words "Direct deposit is fast, convenient, reliable, secure" appear on a green and grey screen. The words fade to a graphic animation showing a bank] even due to unforeseen circumstances such as a heavy snow storm [A graphic animation shows snowflakes, heavy winds, several envelopes floating through the air and a mailman in front of a house depositing a letter in a mailbox in front of a house and a dog walking up to the mailman], and there is no risk of your payment being lost or stolen.
[A graphic animation shows a map of Canada moving up on the screen] Every year, the Government of Canada processes more than 300 million payments, of which 80 percent are issued to Canadians by direct deposit. [A graphic animation shows houses appearing across the map of Canada, the words "80% of federal government payments are issued by direct deposit" and a Canadian flag in the background]. It's greener and cheaper. And saves Canadian taxpayers over 17 million dollars a year. [A graphic animation shows trees on a green screen, a wallet and the words "greener, cheaper" before fading to a stack of coins and the words "saves taxpayers $17M"]. Direct deposit has been around for almost 20 years but many Canadians still need answers before making the switch. [A graphic animation shows a chart, a dollar sign and the words "20 years" over a green screen. The dollar sign fades to a computer showing a bank account balance rapidly increasing from 192 to 376 dollars.]
Here's how direct deposit works… [An animated graphic shows a dog and the words "Here's how direct deposit works" on a grey and green screen].
Enrolling and using direct deposit doesn't require a computer or Internet access. [An animated graphic shows an internet modem and a laptop on a table. The words "Do you need a computer or the internet to use direct deposit?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen. The table suddenly tips on its side and throws the Internet modem and laptop off the table]. Once you've enrolled, you can continue to bank as you normally would. [A graphic animation shows a piggy bank breaking in two and a coin floating from the piggy bank into a bank].
With direct deposit, the information you provide doesn't authorize anyone else to withdraw your money. [A graphic animation shows a computer with the words "Account Info: Branch no: Address:, Date of birth:" on its screen. The words "Does direct deposit allow the government to take money from your bank account?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen. The words on the computer screen from the previous graphic animation turn into a key lock. The computer then becomes a dollar sign behind the key lock].
Direct deposit merely eliminates the need to physically cash federal government issued cheques. [A graphic animation shows a family of two children and a dog having a barbecue picnic in a park. The words "Will direct deposit still allow me to go to the bank?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen], and giving you more time to enjoy life and all of your everyday banking transactions can continue as usual. [A graphic animation shows an individual with a piggy bank standing in front of a cashier at a financial institution. The words "Will direct deposit still allow me to go to the bank" appear in a banner at the top of the screen].
By enrolling, you don't grant anyone permission to monitor your bank account. [A graphic animation shows a wall mounted security camera moving up and down and the words "Nobody can" on the screen. The words "Does using direct deposit mean the government can monitor my bank account?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen". The Privacy Act and your agreement with the bank protect your information and don't allow anyone to access your account. [The previous graphic animation fades to an individual working on his laptop at a desk. Three individuals appear behind him for a short period of time and watch over his shoulders before disappearing completely].
The same day your money is deposited into your account is the same day your cheque would be cashable. [A graphic animation shows a dog looking at a calendar where a magnifying glass points at a specific date. A dollar sign appears under the magnifying glass. The calendar, magnifying glass and the dollar sign are replaced by a cheque which fades into a dollar sign]. You can verify your account balance at the bank, online or over the phone. [The dollar sign in the previous animation graphic is replaced by images of a bank, then a computer and a cellular phone].
As the federal government is switching to direct deposit [A graphic animation shows a cheque appearing on the screen and fading to the words "Convenience of receiving your payments directly into your account". A dog also appears on the screen], why not take advantage of the convenience of receiving your payments directly into your bank account? It's easy and fast. [The previous graphic animation fades to a dog jumping into a car where a family is waiting. The words "Easy, Fast" appear on screen while the car is driving towards a city]. Sign up today!
To learn more or to enrol, visit or call 1‑800‑593‑1666. [The words "" appear on a green and grey screen. The phone number "1‑800‑593‑1666" slides onto the previous screen]. [The Government of Canada Watermark appears on a black screen].
End of clip.
"Benefits and facts that may surprise you about Direct Deposit" motion graphic.
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