Translation, Terminology and Interpretation
Thank you for your interest in our services. Our goal is to provide government with greater knowledge, efficiencies, savings and solutions. We look forward to working with you.
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Transcript for PWGSC Translation, Terminology and Interpretation Video
Start of video. Guitar rock music begins.
PWGSC (An outline of Ottawa’s parliament skyline appears.)
One department (The words One Department appear and fade in a lime green circle.)
Over 10,000 experts (“10,000 Experts” appear on the screen. Dozens of lime green balls explode.)
5 Service Areas (The words 5 Service Areas appears on screen. One lime green ball appears and bounces to an outline of a door. The ball bounces onto the door and turns into a door knob, opening up the door.)
Quick online translation services from dedicated translators. (The same lime green ball bounces on a new screen from the left side to the right as the words Translation, Terminology and Interpretation appear.)
Serving you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with our after-hours emergency service number. (Clock appears with revolving hands - weekdays appear under clock with days rotating under the clock).
Interpretation services to better connect you with your audience. (Three lime green icons appear on screen. The first icon represents sign language, the second icon represents three humans interacting and the third icon represents a headset. All three icons appear, twirl and disappear after 3 seconds)
Secure electronic transmission for your secret documents. (grey lock appears – with lime green wifi waves)
Terminology tools at your finger tips. (Image of “” Smartphone application appears on screen. The image of the smartphone zooms out and disappears).
Visit us at PWGSC Services (The image of the PWGSC Services webpage appears with the words “Visit Us” and an image of a web search box. Inside the search box the words “PWGSC Services” is quickly typed in).
Let us show you what we do best. (One at a time the following words rotate horizontally, Buying and Selling, Payments and Pensions, Property and Buildings, Security, Corporate and Information Services, and Translation, Interpretation, and Other Linguistic Services.)
Guitar rock music ends.
PWGSC corporate signature appears on a white screen.
Canada word mark appears on a white screen.
End of video.
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