Submit a pay action request

As a manager, staffing or finance professional, you must complete and attach a pay action request form when submitting a service request to the Pay Centre by email on behalf of an employee. Your submitted form must be complete or it will be rejected and returned to you.

Your first step is to confirm that your federal department or agency is served by the Pay Centre.

On this page

What you need before you start

  • The Personal Record Identifier of each employee
  • Your case number with the Pay Centre, if applicable

Before you submit a request

Managers, confirm that your department’s human resources unit has submitted your employee’s file to the Pay Centre. The Pay Centre cannot respond to any request until it receives the required information.

Step 1: Confirm eligibility

To be eligible to submit a pay action request, your department or agency must be served by the Pay Centre.

Not listed? Contact your manager or departmental compensation advisor, and he or she will help you with any pay-related requests.

Step 2: Access the form

You may request a pay action from the Pay Centre for one employee or for multiple employees.

Pay action request for one employee

Use this form if you are a manager submitting the request on behalf of one of your employees. As a manager, you must have financial delegation of authority under Section 34 to submit the form.

This form is available for download as a Portable Document Format. Alternatively, you may complete the accessible HTML version.

Accessible HTML

Pay action request form: 446-5E

Download the PDF

Pay action request form (778Kb)

Pay action request for multiple employees

Use this form if you are a manager submitting a request for multiple employees with the same work or sub-work type.

The Bulk pay action request form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) is currently available only for download as a Portable Document Format. Contact the Pay Centre if you have trouble downloading this form.

Submitting a bulk pay action request

  • you must submit a bulk pay action request for each work or sub-work type
    • For example, if you are submitting time sheets for one group of employees and extra duty pay requests for another group, you must submit two bulk pay action requests
  • you may not submit more than 35 pages with each request
  • you may not submit a request with more than 15 employees
  • you may not email a pay action request that is saved in Adobe LiveCycle
  • you may not send documentation exceeding a total of 5 mega bites in size

Initiating the year-end cash-out of vacation or compensatory leave

As a manager, you must email a PeopleSoft report (as an .xls file) or an Excel spreadsheet to the Pay Centre’s business support services group through a trusted source:

Step 3: Complete the form

You may complete the form either on-screen or by hand. However, by choosing to complete it on-screen, you:

  • lessen the chance of making a mistake or leaving out required information
  • ensure that the form is readable by the Pay Centre’s computers
  • submit the most current version of the form, which is the only version the Pay Centre accepts

Make sure that you complete each mandatory field on either the pay action request form or the bulk pay action request form.

Pay extra attention

Avoid having to resubmit the form. How? Consult the list of reasons for potential reject.

Completing the different sections

The employee information section of the form should be easy to understand. The following information may help you complete the other sections of either the individual or bulk request form.

Work and sub-work types

You are required to provide the work type, sub-work type or both on the form.


If you are an employee, you must provide your manager’s name and email address. You may provide your manager’s telephone number.

If you are a manager or in staffing, you are the requestor and must provide your contact information.

Trusted source

The trusted source is the person responsible for ensuring that managers with a financial delegation of authority under Section 34 of the Financial Administration Act are authenticated for all requests affecting financial results, the manager’s budget or both before being sent to the Pay Centre.

If you are an employee or a manager, leave this section blank.

Did you remember?

If you are completing the Portable Document Format version of the individual or bulk request form, don’t forget to provide the number of pages and today’s date at the top-right-hand corner of the form.

Step 4: Submit the form

If you are emailing the form, save the form to your computer. Alternatively, you may email the form directly from Adobe Reader if you completed the Portable Document Format version. Send the form to the following email address:

Email to the Pay Centre

If you are mailing or faxing the form, print and send the form to one of the following coordinates:

Mail to the Pay Centre
Public Service Pay Centre: Mail Facility
PO Box 6500
Matane QC G4W 0H6

Fax to the Pay Centre

More information

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