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Page Contents
  • Available Services

  • Welcome to Club Services

    The Canadian Rockhound can help promote your organization on the internet. Select a service below for further details and instructions. Small service fees may apply.

    We urge all clubs and federations to report any changes to mailing addresses and other information. It is important to maintain current information in the directory.

    Available Services

    Directory Listing List your club in the directory
    This service is offered at no charge. Available only to Canadian organizations.
    Add URL Add a Link to your Club's Website
    Display a graphical banner that provides a direct link to your club's website.
    Subscribe Club Home Page Subscription
    The Canadian Rockhound can build and maintain a web home page for your club. A great way to promote your club and attract new members!
    Update Update Directory Listing or
    Club Home Page

    Please report any changes or corrections to a directory listing or club home page.

    Top of Page


    Canadian Rockhound

    Copyright © 2000 Canadian Rockhound
    Webpage design by H. J. Schmid & Associates, Inc.
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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