Canadian Mineral Society
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Page Contents

  • Who can join?
  • Application
  • Fees
  • Benefits

  • Membership Information

    Who can join?

    The Canadian Mineral Society is intended for collectors with a genuine interest in minerals and mineral collecting. Although Canadian minerals are the primary focus of our society, we recognize the diversity of the mineral collecting hobby and therefore welcome collectors with an interest in worldwide minerals, micro-minerals, fluorescent minerals, and pseudomorphs.

    The society is ideal for professional and avocational collectors. Inexperienced collectors are still welcome to join, provided they clearly intend to pursue the mineral collecting hobby and seek to develop their collecting skills and knowledge of minerals.

    Individuals with a casual or limited interest in minerals will not benefit from joining the society, and should consider joining a local rock and mineral club instead.

    Membership Application

    To apply for membership, or to update your existing member profile, please send an e-mail to Dirk Schmid, the webmaster. In the body of your e-mail message, please provide the following information:
    • Full name (first, middle, last)
    • Street address
    • City or town
    • Province or state
    • Country
    • Postal code / zip
    • Telephone
    • Fax number
    • E-mail
    • Collection type
    • Area of specialization, or primary interest
    • Are you a dealer?
    • Do you want to swap specimens?
    • Specimens wanted
    • Specimens offered for trade
    • Keywords (up to 5)

       Click here to send mail

    Please allow a few days or a week for us to respond. We thank you for your patience. We will give you a website password and instructions for sending payment of dues.

    Membership Dues

    Members are required to pay a 2-year (bi-annual) subscription fee. The fee is used to pay expenses incurred in hosting and maintaining the society website through the Canadian Rockhound magazine.

    Fees effective January 1, 2000:

    • Canada: $10.00 for 2-yrs

    • Outside Canada: $12.00 US funds for 2-yrs

    Please make cheque payable to "Canadian Rockhound" and send to the following address:

    • Canadian Mineral Society
      c/o Canadian Rockhound
      63 West Springs Cove
      Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
      R2G 4B8

    Member Benefits

    • Members will receive access to the password-protected portion of the society website, which contains a national directory of Canadian and worldwide mineral collectors, and a Canadian mineral localities and specimen index.

    • Members will be able to locate and communicate with other professional and avocational collectors in Canada and around the world through the internet and the society website.

    • The informal nature of the society provides freedom to concentrate on the mineral collecting hobby.


    Canadian Mineral Society

    Copyright © 2000 Canadian Mineral Society
    Images used on this website were provided courtesy of the
    members of the Canadian Mineral Society.

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