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Whiteshell Park
Members from the Mineral Society of Manitoba on a field trip to Whiteshell Provincial Park, Manitoba. Photo by Dirk Schmid, ©1999.

How to Advertise an Event

You can advertise your upcoming event in the Canadian Rockhound at anytime. Information about your event will be displayed on a separate web page, where you may also include photos and maps.

Please contact us to register your event, and to obtain service fee information. If you prefer, we can also send you information by regular postal mail.

Register in Advance:

We strongly recommend you register your event at least 6 months in advance to give schools, the public, and dealers sufficient time to make plans to attend your event.

Types of Events:

  • Annual gem and mineral shows.
  • Sales and swaps.
  • National shows and exhibitions.
  • Conferences.
  • Symposia.
  • Special field trips.

All shows are listed on the Canadian Rockhound's Gem & Mineral Show Calendar, and on the News & Events page. Conferences, symposia, and special field trips are listed in the Canadian Rockhound's News & Events page.

Canadian Rockhound

Copyright © 1999 Canadian Rockhound
Webpage design by H. J. Schmid & Associates, Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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