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Emerald Bearing Strata Indicated over Large Area Expatriate Resources Press Release - August 18, 1999
Work began in late July on the prospect that was discovered in September 1998 on the Goal Net Property in the Finlayson Lake District of southeastern Yukon. The field program is to define the extent of emerald bearing host rock and to evaluate the quality of the emeralds and their extractability. Detailed prospecting in the vicinity of the discovery showing has located numerous emerald bearing float trains in an 800 by 400 m area that straddles a ridge top. Hand trenching has exposed recessive weathering emerald bearing bedrock consisting of altered chlorite-tourmaline schist horizons and subparallel quartz-tourmaline veins. Both the host schists and veins project subhorizontally beneath the ridge at a shallow depth, making the emerald prospect potentially suitable for open pit mining. Washing and hand sorting of about one-half tonne of material from trenches has yielded about one kilogram of green beryl, including small gem quality emeralds up to approximately one-quarter carat in size with excellent colour and clarity.
Expatriate is being voluntarily assisted in this work by a blue chip team of mineralogists who will be on site for approximately six days. In addition, Dr. Joe Montgomery, Expatriate's emerald consultant will visit the property next week. A more comprehensive news release will be issued once the experts' reports have been received and Expatriate's work program has been completed.
This article may not be copied, distributed or reprinted in any form without the author's permission. To contact Expatriate Resources, please visit their Internet website using the address listed. The preceding press release was first published online by Expatriate Resources on August 18, 1999. Reprinted in the Canadian Rockhound with permission from Expatriate Resources.
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