Review by Ed Zeschuk
I recently purchased a book, which I found very enjoyable, informative and picturesque. It is about Ammolite, a gem found only in Alberta, Canada. This book is a soft cover book of 23 pages, plus one page of 4 post cards. These post cards feature colored photographs of ammolite in finished form. Ammolite is written by Donna Barnson from Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada. The book contains wonderful photographs done by Donna's husband and Korite Ltd. Korite owns most of the mining rights to Ammonite.
Ammonite. This specimen was recently recovered by Alberta River Gems, near Lethbridge, Alberta. The ammolite is the gem-quality material covering the surface of the ammonite fossil. Photo courtesy of Doug Miller, ©1999.
In addition to the photographs, the book is packed with valuable information for the person who would like to learn more about this gem, which is exclusive to Alberta. Barnson, an accredited gemmologist, gives gemmological properties essential to the understanding of the ammolite gem. She outlines some of the characteristics, rarity and secrets of working with ammolite. She does not go into what materials are used to stabilize the ammolite rough prior to the finishing stage. She, however, touches on such topics as creating doublets and triplets. The colored photographs are truly outstanding and the purchase of the book is worthwhile for the photographs themselves.
The book can be purchased for $14.95 (Can.) plus shipping and handling. ISBN 1-55056-421-8. You can also phone Donna at (204) 757 9129.
Copyright ©1999 Ed Zeschuk
E-mail: edz@telusplanet.net
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