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Volume 6, Number 2

C A N A D A ' S   F R E E   O N L I N E   E A R T H   S C I E N C E   M A G A Z I N E

photo The Alluring Amethyst
adds to Thunder Bay's
Tourist Appeal

By Habeeb Salloum

Amethyst's remarkable colour range makes it one of the most valuable and coveted of the many forms of quartz. It is mined in appreciable amounts around the world, including Canada. Well-crystallized, collectable amethyst specimens from Thunder Bay are one of the reasons tourists flock to this northern Ontario city.
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photo The Gargoti Mineral Museum, Nasik, India
By John Biczok

I had the pleasure of attending the grand opening of what has to be one of the finest private mineral museums in the world. It might surprise most mineral enthusiasts to hear that this incredible building and the stunning zeolite collection it houses are located in Nasik, India. The Gargoti Museum is the superbly completed vision of one Indian, mineral dealer and retired naval officer, Mr. K.C. Pandey.
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photo How to Tumble and Polish
your Stones

By Ron Shannon

Tumbling stones is a fun activity that is ideal for children and a basic prerequisite for those beginning the lapidary hobby. It does not matter the size or make of your tumbler. If you follow the simple procedure in this article, you will have great results each and every time a batch of rock is tumble polished.
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In this issue

By D.F. Schmid

The Alluring Amethyst adds to Thunder Bay's Tourist Appeal
By Habeeb Salloum

The Gargoti Mineral Museum, Nasik, India
By John Biczok

How to Tumble and Polish your Stones
By Ron Shannon

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    Issue Masthead

    The masthead image above features a beautiful aquamarine crystal from India (courtesy of Superb Minerals), and a cluster of diopside crystals from Quebec, Canada (courtesy of Sylvain Roy). The background image is a shot taken from Wilcox Pass in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (photo by Dirk Schmid).

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    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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