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In this issue

By D.F. Schmid

The Alluring Amethyst adds to Thunder Bay's Tourist Appeal
By Habeeb Salloum

The Gargoti Mineral Museum, Nasik, India
By John Biczok

How to Tumble and Polish your Stones
By Ron Shannon

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  •   Canadian Rockhound - Vol. 6, No. 2


    By Dirk Schmid

    Welcome to the Summer/Fall issue of the Canadian Rockhound. Although it is a small issue this time round, I hope you will enjoy the articles presented. Due to time constraints, a number of authors were simply unable to complete their articles.

    Many readers have commented favourably on the excellent articles presented in the Winter/Spring 2002 issue, and on the new format and layout of the issues. I am encouraged by the positive feedback. The new format also makes it easier and faster to assemble an issue.

    The Canadian Rockhound welcomes article contributions at any time. I hope you will consider writing an article for the magazine. It is the goal of the magazine to promote the geological sciences in Canada, and to publish high quality Canadian content. The magazine plays an important role in attracting new people to the mineral collecting hobby, and to interest youth in a career in the earth sciences. Help support the Canadian Rockhound!

    The Canadian Rockhound thanks the authors in this issue for their contributions.

    Dirk Schmid

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    Copyright © 2002 author
    E-mail: Canadian Rockhound

    This article may not be copied, distributed or reprinted in any form without permission from the authors. To contact the authors, please use the e-mail address provided. If you are unable to contact the authors, please contact the Canadian Rockhound. Authorized reprints must acknowledge the authors and the Canadian Rockhound, and include the website URL address of the Canadian Rockhound.

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    Copyright © 2002 Canadian Rockhound
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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