The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd.
- Reviewer and Columnist -
Susan McBride
Author of And Then She Was Gone

Nominated for a RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best First Mystery
Chosen as a selection for the Oprah Reading Cafe online, Summer 2000
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Susan McBride is the author of And Then She Was Gone, a suspense novel set outside Dallas, Texas featuring police detective Maggie Ryan. It was a finalist in the St. Martin's Press Best First Traditional Mystery Novel Contest, won the National Writer's Association's Best Novel Contest, and captured Mayhaven Publishing's First Award for Fiction in 1997, the prize being publication of the book. Rave reviews can be found at The Charlotte Austin Review and Romantic Times. The second in the series Overkill is set for release next year.

Susan has contributed a trilogy of essays for an upcoming anthology by Tarcher Putnam called Inking Through the Soul: Writers on Writing, Creativity and Life which will be out in January 2001.

A graduate of the University of Kansas School of Journalism, she'd always loved words and knew she wanted to be a novelist bythe age of nineteen. Writing a regular column entitled From the Trenches for The Charlotte Austin Review is right up her alley, and she hopes that sharing her insights into the tricky world of publishing will inspire writers to hang in there.

Reviewed by Susan McBride

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