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About Catherine Coulter
Catherine Coulter’s first novel came out at the end of 1978 when she had just reached puberty. It was a Regency romance because, as any published author will tell you, it’s best to limit the number of unknowns in a first book, and not only had she grown up reading Georgette Heyer, but she earned her M.A. degree in early 19th century European history.

Following The Autumn Countess (a Gothic masquerading as a Regency, she says), she wrote six more Regency romances. Her first long historical appeared in 1982, her "baby", Devil’s Embrace. She has continued to write long historicals, interspersing them with contemporary novels, beginning with False Pretenses in 1988. These days she writes one contemporary suspense novel a year and one historical romance a year.

She pioneered the trilogy in historical romance, each of them very popular. They include: Song, Star, Magic, Night, Bride, Viking, and Legacy trilogies. She enjoys trilogies because she doesn’t have to say good-bye to the characters and neither do the readers.

In 1988, she first appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List with Moonspun Magic, the third novel in the Magic trilogy. She has continued to hit the New York Times Bestseller List thirty-six times now, as well as USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Washington Post, LA Times, etc. She has well over 35 million copies in print worldwide.

Catherine’s latest contemporary suspense, The Edge, came out in hardcover in August 1999. In July 2000 her newest book, Riptide, fifth in her popular FBI suspense series, will be released in hardcover, and the paperback release of The Edge will follow in August. Catherine’s newest historical romance, The Courtship, sequel to Mad Jack, came out in January 2000. The updated and newly packaged contemporary romantic suspense, False Pretenses, is out in bookstores now.

She lives in Northern California with her physician husband. She loves to travel, sacrifices her body on the ski slopes and reads voraciously while recuperating. Because she’s over forty, she’s at the gym three times a week.

Catherine loves to hear from readers. You can write to her at P.O. Box 17, Mill Valley, California 94942, e-mail her at or visit her Web page at

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