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About Laura Belgrave
Laura Belgrave is a long-time writer and editor whose career background has taken her from the "murder and mayhem" side of the newspaper business to the editorial side of the book publishing business. Her staff positions have included everything from police reporter and then city editor of a major Florida daily to managing editor of a children's book publishing house.

Eventually, she struck out on her own as a freelance writer and editor, and now provides services to numerous media clients. She abridges novels for an audio producer, has written a pilot script and treatments for a prospective kids TV show to be hosted by an Olympic Gold Medal winner, and has - in her words - "done just about everything in between."

Her passion for words has always resided most strongly in fiction. "I grew up surrounded by books, magazines, newspapers - everything. What sticks out most, though, is the image of my mother at the dining room table, a novel in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Her habits rubbed off. I read a lot. I drink a lot of coffee. But I took things one step further and started writing as well. Journalism was a natural transition. Writing novels is the ultimate progression."

Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Laura now calls Florida home, and has for more than twenty years. She is a journalism graduate of the University of South Florida and is married to a man she met when both served in the U.S. Air Force "moons ago."

When she's not working on her next novel or completing work for clients, she relaxes by practicing Tai Chi, riding her bike, fooling around on her hammered dulcimer, goofing around with her two cats, and reading.

Read our interview
Read the review of In the Spirit of Murder

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