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Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Sandra Ceren lived in Greenwich Village during her graduate years before moving to Del Mar, California.

Sandra Levy Ceren, Ph.D. blends her work as a clinical psychologist, her experiences with managed care, thirty years of clinical work with crime victims, her own trauma as a rape survivor, and her love of psychological thrillers in this gripping debut novel Prescription for Terror.

When rape and murder strike young single women on the sun drenched San Diego coast, police are stumped. One of the victims was Cory Cohen's patient. The trauma triggers flashbacks of Cory's own terrifying assault. Her attacker went free, but she vows this one will not. In relentless pursuit, this daring psychologist risks the loss of a valued relationship and places herself squarely in the way of a dangerous psychopath.

Prescription for Terror explores the mind of a serial rapist and killer and exposes an unexpected peril of managed care.

Dr. Ceren has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Psychology Today, national radio, TV and print media as an expert in psychology. She holds a Diplomate from the American Board of Family Psychology, was editor of several professional newsletters and penned a newspaper column "Ask Dr. Ceren." She is a member of South Coast Writers, Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America, and has served as a judge for the San Diego Book Awards.

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