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You'll Never Work in This Town Again
You'll Never Work in This Town Again:
The Life and Times of a Movie Stuntman by
Peter West

Peter West, publisher - Edited by Judith Allison & Brenda Harris
153 pages
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

If you are wary of the recent e-book trend, I encourage you to simply read the introduction to Peter West's YOU'LL NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN. The first pages, before the narrative even begins, are some of the most entertaining pages I have seen in print (or e-print). Though the remaining work is fascinating, it does not maintain the pace set by Mr. West's humorous testimonials, glossary of Australian terms and introduction.

Peter West has worked as a stuntman in the Australian movie industry for close to thirty years. He expresses the purpose of writing his life story simply and succinctly. "99% of my stunts have worked perfectly. They are not funny. 1% of my stunts did NOT work. They ARE funny!" The anecdotes that follow are interesting, though the prose style is sometimes too conversational. However, Mr. West's ability to find humor in his own mistakes and crazy adventures is refreshing. The entire book is self-parody, and it works.

This is an entertaining view of a world most people never see - the movie industry. The Australian setting gives a new spin to what could be a very trite topic. The book could do without the entire final chapter describing the author's nightmare of the worst movie situation possible. This chapter does give definite closure to the book and certainly serves that purpose. This autobiography is quite short, an added plus to those of us not accustomed to reading long pieces of writing at the computer screen.

Sharp wit and clever detachment delineate this work from many of the same genre. There is no doubt that guilty laughs may be derived from the crude language and demeanor of the author, as well as the incredible situations described. Peter West's words tumble and explode with the ferocity of a true stuntman.

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