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Catch and Keep
Catch and Keep by
Ronald Weber

Write Way Publishing
248 pages, 2000
ISBN 1885173253
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Fitzgerald is living every writer’s dream. He’s won the lottery and ensconced himself in a remote but beautiful lake cabin, with nothing to do but concentrate on his novel. The idea worked a lot better in theory. When a former colleague requests that he search for a reporter in the area who hasn’t checked in on deadline, Fitzgerald is reluctant but agrees - never dreaming he’ll find her dead.

He soon learns that the reporter’s husband is dead too and his own journalistic instincts kick in. What could possibly be going on in this isolated and beautiful location that caused a reporter to take a gunshot in the head? With the help of his girlfriend, Mercy, a district officer for the Department of Natural Resources, Fitzgerald keeps digging, shocked at what he’s finding. What started out as an investigation into a dispute about whether local fisherman should be allowed to keep the fish they catch, turns into an expose about secret militia and illegal whiskey. Suddenly, Fitzgerald isn’t gathering info about a quaint, rural hobby – he’s skirting a time bomb that threatens to end his life.

Catch and Keep is Weber’s fifth novel and he’s no stranger to the world of journalism. His strength is certainly in the ability to paint pictures with his words, making the remote backwoods come alive to the point that readers feel the breeze and experience the breath-holding suspense of terror that lurks just outside the immediate perimeter. Catch and Keep has a slow, steady pace, with building suspense and a gripping conclusion. Fly-fishing may never seem the same again.

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