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Cradle and All
Cradle and All by
James Patterson
Little, Brown
326 pages, released 2000
ISBN 0-316-69061-9
Reviewed by Phillip Tomasso III

Also reviewed by our South African Editor, Merilyn Tomkins

Note: Cradle and All is a rewritten and revised rendition of Patterson’s early novel, Virgin.

Cradle and All is the story of two 14-year-old girls. Colleen, who was born and raised in Ireland, lives in a poor community. Kathleen, an American, lives in Boston and is the only daughter to a wealthy family. The girls have only two things in common, yet it is a bond that links their lives together. Both are pregnant and both are virgins.

All around the world, epidemics spread like wildfire. Children everywhere are coming down with severe cases of polio. Floods, earthquakes, droughts and ice storms sporadically strike cities on every continent. It appears as if the prophetic passages found in Revelations may be coming true. Perhaps the end of the world is at hand.

The church to investigate the immaculate conceptions hires Private Investigator, Anne Fitzgerald. The former nun digs into the lives of the girls in search of answers behind the miraculous pregnancies. Confident, Fitzgerald is sure she will unveil a hoax.

To make matters worse, before the death of the aged pope, the truth behind the two virgin pregnancies is explained to a church priest. The truth is enough to nearly drive the priest mad. He will need Fitzgerald’s continued help to save the human race from certain demonic darkness, death and destruction.

The Christian Bible talks about a Second Coming. Patterson has written an intriguing and terrifying novel encompassing the well-noted Biblical prediction. Patterson tells the story of a Second Coming the only way he knows how - by packing his gripping novel full of quick chapters and continuous page turning suspense.

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