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The Alternate
The Alternate by
John Martel

532 pages, April 2000
ISBN 0451199960
Reviewed by Marion E. Cason

Former beauty queen Lara Ashford is brutally murdered. Her husband Elliot discovers her body in the bathroom of their Pacific Heights mansion in San Francisco. Although his wife is seldom faithful, Elliot loves her. The police charge him with murder when they uncover drops of Elliot's blood in the bathroom and after their maid reports overhearing Lara and Elliot arguing when she left for the weekend.

Grace Harris, head of the district attorney's homicide trials team, reads over the evidence and finds gaps in the case. She questions her chief investigator Sam Quon and finds him uncooperative. After all, this case has all the markings of a scorned husband seeking revenge.The District Attorney Earl Field and Quon convince Grace that Elliot is the murderer. Grace has her doubts and comments:"It seems almost too perfect. I guess I'm looking for the grinch."

Before they go to trial, DA Field decides he will handle the case himself. This high profile trial will enhance his career and put him in the running for governor. Grace fumes and then finds crucial evidence is missing. Is someone manipulating the outcome of the case? Could alleged Mafia connections to Ashford be paying off officials? Downtrodden attorney Barrett Dickson becomes advisor to defense counsel and brilliantly raises the stakes at the trial. Before the trial is over, alternates replace original jurists and the primary defense counsel quits. The judge stands firm and insists Barrett take over the defense. Both Grace and Barrett find themselves scrambling to conduct this highly complex case before everything spins out of control.

John Martel, a top trial lawyer in San Francisco, entertains us with this must-read thriller.
The Alternate is powerful, fast moving and definitely an all-nighter. I could not put the book down until I reached the fascinating conclusion.

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