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UK Authors - Mystery
The Last Cut
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The Last Cut by
Michael Pearce
Harper Collins
192 pages, 2000
ISBN 0006510817
Reviewed by our UK Editor Rachel A. Hyde

Cairo, in the early years of the 20th century, is under British rule. Gareth Owen has the unenviable job of being Mamur Zapt or Chief of the Secret Police. In this twelfth novel in the series, he is as usual, juggling the different factions and trying to stay on top of it all.

This time he has to preside over the last ever dam cutting ceremony. But as if the fact that this historic rite is coming to an end wasn’t unpopular enough, a dead body has to be found. Years ago, a maiden was sacrificed when the cut was made, and it looks as though somebody is intent on reviving an old custom. Who is the Lizard Man and what is his connection with it all? Does he have a grudge against the irrigation system, or is there more to it than that? Owen has to sort it all out and keep his irascible girlfriend Zeinab happy - which may be more difficult than solving murders…

As usual, Pearce delivers a highly amusing and entertaining tale. The bureaucracy and faction-juggling is guaranteed to strike a chord with anybody dealing with office politics (or any politics) - so this is a historical novel with a definite modern appeal. What is more, Pearce doesn’t waste a page, but gallops along like a swift Arab racehorse. I can’t wait for the next book in this delightful series. If you have never read one before, go back and read the first, entitled The Mamur Zapt and the Return of the Carpet. You have a treat in store.

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