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Jump Start Your Book Sales
Jump Start Your Book Sales by
Marilyn & Tom Ross

Communication Creativity
337 pages, 1999
ISBN 0918880416
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Jump Start Your Book Sales is a book that screams high energy, from the lightning slashing the front cover to the appendix crammed with contact information. It’s hard to imagine a more complete resource in one package.

Part 1 is called Jump Start Your Marketing Engine and it does just that. Concisely organized, it gives an overview of the industry, a more extensive overview of the marketing process and a concentrated explanation for using blurbs and reviews to get people talking about your book.

Part 2 is Illuminating Publicity Techniques, with approximately 70 pages of information about reviews, galleys, print promotions, book tours, op-ed pieces and radio and television appearances.

Part 3, Muscling Your Way Into Traditional Channels, offers 30+ pages of basic information about booksellers, wholesalers, distributors, libraries and book clubs. This section is short, but very informative.

Part 4 is Flip The Switch with Nontraditional Retail Markets. It begins with an overview of possibilities, then zeroes in on catalog sales, Internet strategies, premiums and incentives and even QVC and Home Shopping Network information.

Part 5 covers Powerhouse Direct Marketing Techniques and Part 6 offers More Methods to Fire Up Your Sales.

Specific links and resources are included on virtually every page in a variety of lists and sidebars. The appendix is filled with contact information including possible review galley recipients, newswire and op-ed contacts, master distributors, bookstore contacts, catalogs, trade associations, and more.

Designed for authors, independent publishers and small presses, there is something within these pages for almost anyone who seeks to improve book sales. Organized into specific topics, it is not difficult to navigate, but the amount of information is tightly packed, for optimization of space, no doubt. Jump Start Your Book Sales is a must-read for new authors and should be read slowly and deliberately with highlighter in hand.

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