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Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write
Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write by
Elizabeth Lyon

Blue Heron Publishing
New paperback edition
304 pages, 2000
ISBN 0936085312
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Elizabeth Lyon's earlier
Sell Your Novel Toolkit offers some of the best help for writing queries and synopses available, so seeing her name on the cover of this book caused immediate interest. Some believe that it is far easier for a previously unpublished author to sell a work of nonfiction than fiction. This book confirms that belief.

Nonfiction Book Proposals begins with the theory behind writing book proposals from an insider's point of view. With Lyon's help, it is possible for the reader to visualize the desk of a busy acquisitions editor and imagine what it takes to make their query or proposal stand out and demand favorable attention.

From there, it proceeds step-by-step through evaluating and refining ideas, conducting the needed research and studying the competition. With that done, the book moves on to specific instructions for completing each section of a quality book proposal. Essentially, it provides a template from which to work.

The segment on an author selling their qualifications is especially informative and helpful. This is an area that most writers struggle with, yet Lyon presents it in a manner that is easy to adapt and should yield positive results. In fact, it may be helpful to new authors who need to construct an effective bio for fiction queries, as well.

The book finishes up with ideas for production and promotion. Overall, it's filled with practical, helpful advice and very little wasted space. An excellent tool for anyone planning to move into the area of nonfiction publishing.

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