The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd.
ISSN 1492-5850
Archived at the National Library of Canada in the Canadian Electronic Publications
Updated December 9/2000
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Editor's Office
Short fiction
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Charlotte Austin
Webmaster Rob Java
Writer's Guidelines
Editor-in-Chief: Charlotte Austin

The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd. is a website on the Internet, officially launched on February 1/2000. It is primarily an extensive book review site, with reviews presented in a number of categories.

22 reviewers are fully profiled. The site also publishes interviews with authors and publishers, selected short fiction from emerging writers, and Reflections, thoughts on the writing life from published authors.

Book ReviewsAll reviews are written by a team of regular reviewers. Please consult the front page menu option for categories we review. To be considered as a possible reviewer, e-mail the editor with a sample book review.

Columns - All columns are written by regular columnists and are published to answer a variety of questions from readers. To suggest a column, email the editor with a proposal for an on-going column.

Features – Features include interviews or conversations with authors, publishers and editors.

Short Fiction
In order to concentrate on book reviews and author interviews, we will no longer publish short fiction pieces as of November 1/2000.

The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd. can accept submissions year round. The site’s content is updated regularly with new material in every issue.

© 2000 The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd., for Web site content and design, and/or writers, reviewers and artists where/as indicated.