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Charlotte Austin
Webmaster Rob Java
Your letters
Updated December 7/2000
A short selection of your letters is published periodically. - Editor

I want to thank you for that dead-on review about Color Her Dead. Occasionally I search the web to see who has a clue and your review of Color Her Dead was so close to what I was trying to do that you might be confused for a shill for Susan Chase.

Steve Brown, author of the Susan Chase Mysteries:
Stripped To Kill
Dead Kids Tell No Tales
Color Her Dead

I'm just back from my Northern California tour, and was thrilled to discover that my latest book Dem Bones Revenge has been reviewed on The Charlotte Austin Review by both Susan McBride - First Review - and Phillip Tomasso III - Second Review . Great reviews, too! Many thanks for the wonderful exposure TCAR has given me and my books. [Read our feature interview with Kris Neri] -

Best regards,

Kris Neri
Author of
Revenge of the Gypsy Queen: An Agatha, Anthony & Macavity Award nominee
Dem Bones Revenge: First Review - Second Review

Many thanks to Nancy Duncan (a delight to work with) and The Charlotte Austin Review for the feature article, which gave me the opportunity to talk about two things I love - writing and the romance genre. I was thrilled when Nancy contacted me and immediately checked out your site - which is terrific! Great job on all the book reviews and articles. I've bookmarked your homepage and will visit often.

Patti Berg, bestselling romance author
Born to be Wild - Avon Books, February 2001
Bride for a Night - Avon Books, May 2000
Wife for a Day - Avon Books, August 1999

Thank you for reviewing my book, and for drawing my attention to your interesting site.
Bestselling author Michael Ridpath
On our review of
Final Venture.

What a lovely review! [Our review of Biotechnology is Murder by Dirk Wyle]. Thank you very much! Please tell the reviewer how much we appreciated her attention to detail. Yours are always high-quality, thoughtful reviews.
Betsy Lampe,
Rainbow Books, Inc.

The review of Mystery Midrash is great! Lisa Eagleson-Roever was not only nice with her words but witty too.
Publicist Chandra Williams,
Jewish Lights Publishing

Thank you so very much for the wonderful review of Death on a Silver Tray! I especially like the part where you say that historical mysteries don't usually appeal to you but that this is different.
Author Rosemary Stevens

Thank you so much for publishing two reviews of my book along with Susan McBride's perceptive interview. Reviewed by Maria Y. Lima and by Susan McBride
. I've forwarded the issue to my agent in Boston, the Dutton publicist, my Dutton editor, and my Miami publicist. I've read your e-zine before and know it is regularly dependable and a good critique of current fiction and nonfiction. I'm proud to be included.
Ann Prospero,
Author of Almost Night

You did one fantastic job! Thanks a million times - and a special thanks for going out of your way and reviewing When Colette Died.
L. C. Hayden,
Author of Who's Susan and When Colette Died

Thanks for the beautiful review of
Free Your Captive Fiction Writer. Nancy Mehl did a wonderful job. My profound thanks to both of you.
Author Jean Goldstrom


I don't know how I could possibly be more impressed, thrilled, and grateful than I am for the splendid review and interview that you've showcased on The Charlotte Austin Review. I can only say thank you, and hope you'll understand that I mean that more than the words can convey.
Laura Belgrave,
Author of In the Spirit of Murder

Thank you for sending along the link to Dr. Broussard's review of
L.A. Requiem. I enjoyed it greatly and am quite complimented by it.
Robert Crais,
Author of L.A. Requiem

About The Quill Magazine Quarterly (, one of the last letters received in September 1999. It is published here integrally and unedited, as a tribute to all those who essentially, felt the same way. – Editor
It is with heartfelt sadness that I write this e-mail. Although I will miss The Quill Magazine Quarterly (, I support your decision to move forward. There is a saying in Buddhist teachings that refers to choosing your battles wisely, and I believe you have done that.

I also know that the Universe sends its angels to many places and many people for many reasons. You are an angel to beginning writers and your influence will long be remembered. I'm sure this decision did not come easily. Please take comfort in the fact that you have helped many of us and have affected our lives in ways that others could not.

I thank you and your staff for your interest in all of us and for your unfailing support and encouragement. I also wish you the best of luck and success as you continue your life's journey. The love of thousands will travel with you.

Best regards,

Phyllis Lewis
Freelance Writer/Editor

I was delighted to see your new site. I am impressed by its quality and by your resourcefulness in dealing with the challenges of the past year. Congratulations on creating something new and wonderful out of a difficult problem!
- Susan Wittig Albert, bestselling author of the China Bayles mystery series

Congratulations on The Charlotte Austin Review. I wish you oodles and oodles of success with it!
- Author Sarah St. Peter

I only had time for a very quick look around, but the site looks great. I can't wait to write a bestseller for you to review! Good luck with your new baby. I hope it grows big and bonny.
- Sheila Crosby, Software Engineer – Tenerife, Spain

What were we supposed to do without your Website as a resource? My writing career continues to bud and your vision greatly enhanced my own.
- Deborah R. Young

I am so happy to see you back on the Internet for more reasons than I can expound. I found your site to be the best, most professionally done, and easy to navigate around in.
- Marion E. Cason

Best of luck with the new review. I'm sure it will be up to the high standards of The Quill.
- Charles Langley

I was thrilled to see that The Quill managed to rise from its ashes. I was given my first opportunity to publish a short story in The Quill Magazine Quarterly ( for which I placed in one of your contests. I deeply appreciate organizations such as yours, which take some of the burden and loneliness out of writing. Thank you once again for the encouragement I received from you and your on-going work in the field of writing.
- Laura Solly

I'm excited and happy that you have greeted the New Year with a fierce writer's attitude and will be launching this new site. The Charlotte Austin Review sounds fresh and interesting. Please keep me informed. Best of luck and congratulations.
- Patricia Spork

Good to see that The Quill is being resurrected.
- Author Dirk Wyle

Wow! I appreciate what you're doing not just for me but for other writers. Looks like you're going to have a great site.
- Bestselling author Bill Crider

Glad to hear that you are back online.
- Author Natalie Thomas

Sounds like a good idea, the name is the best - no one can claim prior use!
- Mira Desai

Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear that you are producing a new journal/newsletter! The Quill was top-notch and I was so very sorry to see it close and to hear of your legal problems. I look forward to your new venture.
- Deborah M. Florence

I'm glad to hear of the new venture. I've heard from so many who were sad to see The Quill Quarterly close up. You had many fans, you know.
- Patti Nunn

So very glad to see you coming back on-line. They just can't keep a good woman down, now can they.
- Gaylene Givens

I won a bet with my writing class that you would show up again before long. Good editors never fade away - they simply gain momentum. May I wish you the very best of success.
- Frank Reynolds

© 2000 The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd., for Web site content and design, and/or writers, reviewers and artists where/as indicated.
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